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University announces new Wawa dining plan

HUMOR: The Princeton Wawa will be renamed in honor of Chip N. Pretsel ’24, who survived all four years at Princeton subsisting on nothing but Flaming Hot Cheetos and Arizona Iced Tea purchased from Wawa. Pretsel is also the namesake of Princeton Medical Center’s new kidney transplant center.

HUMOR: The Princeton Wawa will be renamed in honor of Chip N. Pretsel ’24, who survived all four years at Princeton subsisting on nothing but Flaming Hot Cheetos and Arizona Iced Tea purchased from Wawa. Pretsel is also the namesake of Princeton Medical Center’s new kidney transplant center.

HUMOR | 11/03/2022

Morrison Hall, home of the U. undergraduate admissions office

Princeton introduces new admissions category beyond early admission: blood oath

HUMOR: “It’s quite simple,” said Richardson. “You make a small incision on your pinky finger, recite the Oath of a Thousand Forbidden Serpents, and pledge your soul to Princeton for eternity.”

HUMOR: “It’s quite simple,” said Richardson. “You make a small incision on your pinky finger, recite the Oath of a Thousand Forbidden Serpents, and pledge your soul to Princeton for eternity.”

HUMOR | 11/02/2022

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Campus cockroaches seek unionization in light of First College destruction

Union organizers hope to secure new and improved living arrangements in Butler College for displaced cockroaches as soon as possible; however, fears loom around possible retaliation from University officials. 

Union organizers hope to secure new and improved living arrangements in Butler College for displaced cockroaches as soon as possible; however, fears loom around possible retaliation from University officials. 

HUMOR | 11/01/2022


Mushies, not slushies: Alcohol Initiative to fund psychedelics club

HUMOR: “After hearing of their transformative effects on mental health, we hope that the new influx of students tripping balls will reduce the depression that reportedly 100 percent of the University's undergraduate population experiences,” a University source said. 

HUMOR: “After hearing of their transformative effects on mental health, we hope that the new influx of students tripping balls will reduce the depression that reportedly 100 percent of the University's undergraduate population experiences,” a University source said. 

HUMOR | 10/13/2022

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Nearly shut out, Princeton awards honorary degrees to all Nobel winners

HUMOR: “We really wanted to go for all six Nobels this year, so we went ahead and awarded a couple blank degrees. Someone can fill the names in later,” said University trustee Rez Ume Pecker ’20.

HUMOR: “We really wanted to go for all six Nobels this year, so we went ahead and awarded a couple blank degrees. Someone can fill the names in later,” said University trustee Rez Ume Pecker ’20.

HUMOR | 10/11/2022

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Remaining walkways around campus to be turned into obstacle courses for ‘engaging’ student commutes

HUMOR: Forbes College resident Ann Nex ’26 said she feels “thoroughly entertained” by the series of swinging blades that she must carefully hop through on her way past the Lewis Arts Complex.

HUMOR: Forbes College resident Ann Nex ’26 said she feels “thoroughly entertained” by the series of swinging blades that she must carefully hop through on her way past the Lewis Arts Complex.

HUMOR | 10/03/2022

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First-year planning on dabbling in divestment activism says he’s totally out of luck

HUMOR: “It’s just kind of annoying that the old members can at least take credit. All I have to show for my time here is a Google Form and an acceptance email. Is the ‘Prince’ still taking writers? Maybe I can sign up for that instead.”

HUMOR: “It’s just kind of annoying that the old members can at least take credit. All I have to show for my time here is a Google Form and an acceptance email. Is the ‘Prince’ still taking writers? Maybe I can sign up for that instead.”

HUMOR | 10/03/2022

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Eisgruber announces second Clash of Colleges, losers to be transferred to Columbia

HUMOR: “Since we accepted way too many first-years, and their rankings really need help, and I was sure that I could get my fist in my mouth, I took the bet. Sadly, I couldn’t do it.”

HUMOR: “Since we accepted way too many freshmen, and their rankings really need help, and I was sure that I could get my fist in my mouth, I took the bet. Sadly, I couldn’t do it.”

HUMOR | 09/27/2022

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University Health Services announces new COVID-19 ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ policy

HUMOR: “We want you to be aware of some of our new critical resources available to students in isolation, which includes, comprehensively, our Thoughts and Prayers.”

HUMOR: “We want you to be aware of some of our new critical resources available to students in isolation, which includes, comprehensively, our Thoughts and Prayers.”

HUMOR | 09/25/2022

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First-years disappointed to learn ORFE not the name of a frat

HUMOR: The University put out a statement in response to the TigerHub rush incident, reaffirming that there is no Greek life on campus and that you should definitely stop looking for it because you’re not going to find anything. 

HUMOR: The University put out a statement in response to the TigerHub rush incident, reaffirming that there is no Greek life on campus and that you should definitely stop looking for it because you’re not going to find anything.

HUMOR | 09/22/2022

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Princeton students insist they always read U.S. News

HUMOR: Inspired by the long-standing passion of U.S. News readers in the campus community, the University is considering making U.S. News article “10 Fall Decor Ideas From the Pros” next year’s pre-read.

HUMOR: Inspired by the long-standing passion of U.S. News readers in the campus community, the University is considering making U.S. News article “10 Fall Decor Ideas From the Pros” next year’s pre-read.

HUMOR | 09/20/2022


To increase safety, Princeton installs Duo Mobile on all dorm locks

HUMOR: Since the devices are not able to support cookies, the “Remember me for 90 days” option will not be available, and students will need to sign in with their netID every time.

HUMOR: Since the devices are not able to support cookies, the “Remember me for 90 days” option will not be available, and students will need to sign in with their netID every time.

HUMOR | 09/14/2022


200+ future humanities majors enroll in CHM 201 this semester

HUMOR: “I just know that witnessing a world-renowned scientist read the syllabus straight from his slides will set me on the path to an ORFE degree,” said N. Janeer ’26, who will declare Slavic Languages and Literature next semester.

HUMOR: “I just know that witnessing a world-renowned scientist read the syllabus straight from his slides will set me on the path to an ORFE degree,” said N. Janeer ’26, who will declare Slavic Languages and Literature next semester.

HUMOR | 09/13/2022

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Princeton to cover students’ tuition in the form of U-Store credit

HUMOR: With this money to use at the U-Store, the University expects each student to be able to purchase either one short-sleeved shirt, one box of pop-tarts, two Gatorades, or an orange folder that holds three or four pieces of paper.

HUMOR: With this money to use at the U-Store, the University expects each student to be able to purchase either one short-sleeved shirt, one box of pop-tarts, two Gatorades, or an orange folder that holds three or four pieces of paper.

HUMOR | 09/08/2022