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Guest Contributions

Protesters holding signs gather in front of a gray stone building with green vines.

Faculty call on the Board of Trustees to act in face of hunger strike

“The Princeton University administration should understand that the law loses its moral force when it becomes so detached from ethics and basic human decency. The administration is sacrificing its moral sense and its purported affiliation to human decency in the name of upholding arbitrarily designed and implemented campus rules and regulations.”

“The Princeton University administration should understand that the law loses its moral force when it becomes so detached from ethics and basic human decency. The administration is sacrificing its moral sense and its purported affiliation to human decency in the name of upholding arbitrarily designed and implemented campus rules and regulations.”

OPINION | May 12

A sign hanging from a tree that reads "FREE FREE PALESTINE" partially covers an ivy covered building in the background.

Letter to the Editor: The gross manufacturing of narrative

"The Gaza Solidarity Encampment, a space we have created together, is an unwavering testament to community and care in the face of apathy, keeping each other safe by growing large, impenetrable, and powerful. And we have done so in spite of a larger apparatus working against students."

"The Gaza Solidarity Encampment, a space we have created together, is an unwavering testament to community and care in the face of apathy, keeping each other safe by growing large, impenetrable, and powerful. And we have done so in spite of a larger apparatus working against students."

OPINION | May 11

Several dozen people stand in front of a sunlit building.

Reject Israel Shabbat, join Solidarity Shabbat

"Tonight’s “Israel Shabbat,” as well as the day-to-day celebration of Israel in light of its international human rights violations and brutality over the last seven months, has alienated many Jewish students critical of the ethno-state’s actions."

"Tonight’s “Israel Shabbat,” as well as the day-to-day celebration of Israel in light of its international human rights violations and brutality over the last seven months, has alienated many Jewish students critical of the ethno-state’s actions."

OPINION | May 10

A large, modern building with white pillar columns crisscrossed by bare branches.

Civil disobedience has consequences

“Universities should not suppress ideas, but they also should not allow members of the campus community to compel anyone to embrace ideas or treat ideas that they think are bad as if they were good.”

“Universities should not suppress ideas, but they also should not allow members of the campus community to compel anyone to embrace ideas or treat ideas that they think are bad as if they were good.”

OPINION | May 10

People gathered on steps in front of white building with columns holding signs

Sitting in at Princeton: proud past, shameful present

“To be sure, university leaders of the past were critical of students’ employment of sit-ins as a protest tactic, but they were willing to meet, debate, and — occasionally — even listen and change course.”

“To be sure, university leaders of the past were critical of students’ employment of sit-ins as a protest tactic, but they were willing to meet, debate, and — occasionally — even listen and change course.”


Crowd of people around an orange bus.

Faculty letter to U. admin calling for VP Calhoun’s resignation

“We demand the immediate resignation of VP Calhoun, in whose leadership we have lost all faith following her untruthful and, in our opinion, deliberately misleading representation of student protesters, that has proven to be the real threat to the Princeton University community.”

"We demand the immediate resignation of VP Calhoun, in whose leadership we have lost all faith following her untruthful and, in our opinion, deliberately misleading representation of student protesters, that has proven to be the real threat to the Princeton University community."


A large group of students in an auditorium with some students raising their hands to signal their affirmative votes.

USG's recent statement failed to properly represent student interests

"From my experiences within USG and from seeing what other student governments have done, I find USG’s inability to directly condemn the University’s arrests to be deeply disappointing."

"From my experiences within USG and from seeing what other student governments have done, I find USG’s inability to directly condemn the University’s arrests to be deeply disappointing."


In the foreground, a banner saying "divest." In the background, a man holding a sign reading "Princeton U. ranked #1 by Hamas for a degree in Useful Idiots for Terrorist Causes."

Is Hamas deserving of Princetonians’ solidarity?

“Why are some of America’s brightest young minds endorsing as justifiable resistance the murder of innocent lives, and the taking of hundreds of hostages? Princeton protesters are mistaken to think that Israel is not right in defending itself. Israel’s war is a case-study in a just war.”

“Why are some of America’s brightest young minds endorsing as justifiable resistance the murder of innocent lives, and the taking of hundreds of hostages? Princeton protesters are mistaken to think that Israel is not right in defending itself. Israel’s war is a case-study in a just war.”


A large group of protestors across from a building.

An open letter to President Eisgruber and VP Calhoun concerning minoritized student safety

"We — the undersigned leaders, community members, and allies of cultural affinity groups of Princeton University — condemn in the strongest possible terms the University’s utter disregard for the safety and wellbeing of its students of color."

"We — the undersigned leaders, community members, and allies of cultural affinity groups of Princeton University — condemn in the strongest possible terms the University’s utter disregard for the safety and wellbeing of its students of color."


The side perspective of the front facade of a white marble building, its columns, and its steps. A crane is seen in the background.

On the occupation of Clio Hall and the treatment of Graduate School staff

“There are real power differentials on this campus, and we all have an obligation to be mindful of them. The students, postdocs, and faculty who occupied Clio Hall seem to have abused their privileges in the ways they treated staff as an expression of protest. That is wrong.”

“There are real power differentials on this campus, and we all have an obligation to be mindful of them. The students, postdocs, and faculty who occupied Clio Hall seem to have abused their privileges in the ways they treated staff as an expression of protest. That is wrong.”


Red, white, green, and black flag in the foreground. In the background, multicolored lights and a stone building.

Why student protests shouldn’t use ‘intifada’ as a rallying cry

“As we actively criticize Princeton, media focus on the happenings of elite college campuses amplifies our voices. As our words are carried further from McCosh courtyard, the risk that our words are truncated, distorted, and used for hate grows.”

“As we actively criticize Princeton, media focus on the happenings of elite college campuses amplifies our voices. As our words are carried further from McCosh courtyard, the risk that our words are truncated, distorted, and used for hate grows.”

OPINION | April 30

There is a group of protestors in the background. In front of them is grass and to the side is a woman walking on her phone.

Reactions: Guests respond to Eisgruber and Calhoun’s statements on protesting

Guests weigh in with their thoughts on free speech, institutional neutrality, and the role of the ‘Prince’ with respect to the University's statements on encampments.

Guests weigh in with their thoughts on free speech, institutional neutrality, and the role of the ‘Prince’ with respect to the University's statements on encampments.

OPINION | April 28

A sign reading “Welcome to the Popular University for Gaza” in black, green, and red letteres on a plain white background.

Protesting for peace and justice

“To me, the work that pro-Palestine protesters at Princeton, across the nation, and abroad are fighting for can be viewed as a part of a much larger dream of liberation.”

“To me, the work that pro-Palestine protesters at Princeton, across the nation, and abroad are fighting for can be viewed as a part of a much larger dream of liberation.”

OPINION | April 26