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Bill Hewitt

A building with columns sits behind several groups of people sitting on the ground.

Calls for VP Calhoun's resignation mislead on free expression

“In joining a letter so firmly based on a questionable factual narrative, some 10 percent of Princeton faculty have rushed to condemn Vice President Calhoun for a “lie” and to demand her ouster.”

“In joining a letter so firmly based on a questionable factual narrative, some 10 percent of Princeton faculty have rushed to condemn Vice President Calhoun for a “lie” and to demand her ouster.”

The CPUC must act on my petition

“Even more troubling than delay bordering on “justice delayed is justice denied” is the specter that the Judicial Committee Chair is failing fundamental obligations mandated by the CPUC Charter.”

“Even more troubling than delay bordering on “justice delayed is justice denied” is the specter that the Judicial Committee Chair is failing fundamental obligations mandated by the CPUC Charter.”

witherspoon and east pyne Angel Kuo.JPG

Witherspoon’s legacy should be honored — and merits open debate

“The resolution of the present dispute has import far beyond the location of one bronze statue and the reputation of one individual — it will determine whether Princeton affirms learning, the pursuit of knowledge, intellectual independence, and freedom of speech.”

“The resolution of the present dispute has import far beyond the location of one bronze statue and the reputation of one individual — it will determine whether Princeton affirms learning, the pursuit of knowledge, intellectual independence, and freedom of speech.”

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