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Letter to the Editor: We object to USG's handling of Referendum No. 3, but condemn attacks on our peers

Frist Campus Center, a significant hub of social activity on campus.
Frist Campus Center
Ans Nawaz / The Daily Princetonian

To the Editor: 

As leaders of an objection regarding USG’s management of Referendum No. 3, we strongly and unqualifiedly disavow those who have harassed the Chief Elections Manager, or alleged that he operated in bad faith. His was a simple and honest mistake — the kind we are all given to make. He is as deserving of empathy and charitability as anyone.


That said, misstatements and misinformation have remedy-demanding consequences. We look forward to raising our objection before the USG Senate this evening and securing a fair and reasonable solution that balances the interests of all parties invested in Referendum No. 3.


Myles McKnight ’23

Adam Hoffman ’23

Ned Dockery ’25

Carlisle Imperial ’25


Reid Zlotky ’23

Audrey Zhang ’25

Adam Hoffman is the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) Treasurer and the primary sponsor of the objection to Referendum 3. Ned Dockery is a Class of 2025 Senator, Carlisle Imperial is a U-Councillor and Audrey Zhang is the USG Sustainability Chair. Hoffman, Dockery, Imperial and Zhang are members of the USG Senate. Reid Zlotky is the sponsor of the USG-recognized opposition group to the referendum. Myles McKnight has been designated to speak on Zlotky’s behalf before the Senate today.

Zhang is a contributing Prospect writer for the Daily Princetonian.

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