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The Daily Princetonian

SVC trip takes student volunteers to Central America during break

While most students spent intersession skiing, working on theses, or visiting friends at other colleges, several underclassmen ventured to more exotic locales to do humanitarian work.The Student Volunteers Council sponsored trips to Honduras and Georgia, while several other students visited Haiti with the Catholic-based organization Hands Together.One SVC group spent the week in Siguatepeque, a large town south of San Pedro Sula, Honduras, where they joined volunteers from Habitat for Humanity in building a house for a young family.According to Jaynie Randall '99, she and Shlomit Levav '99 first became interested in leading a trip to Honduras last summer, and began researching the project when they returned here this fall.In a country that is not as accustomed to service projects and volunteer work as the United States, Randall said, the size of the Honduras-based program impressed her. Dedication"What struck me most was the dedication of the Habitat for Humanity people from Honduras," said Randall.

NEWS | 02/05/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Students contend with copyright fees in packet pricing

While the beginning of the semester often brings student complaints over packet pricing, few realize they're paying for more than just copying.Students walking out of Pequod this week complained that paying for packets added too much an already high U-Store bill for books."Considering the amount of money we spend at the U-Store it's absurd how much we have to spend at Pequod," said Melissa Harrison '00.Jamie Odell '01 complained that packets were unreasonably priced.

NEWS | 02/05/1998

The Daily Princetonian

PJ's eatery opens after spring blaze

Finally, University students can have gourmet pancakes again. PJ's Pancake House officially reopens today after a fire forced the Nassau Street landmark to close last May.After more than eight months of renovation, the restaurant combines its traditional atmosphere and classic fare with a revamped interior and plans for an enhanced menu."It's been a long eight months," said general manager Ian Lloyd.

NEWS | 02/05/1998

The Daily Princetonian

University admits half of class early

Dean of Admission Fred Hargadon announced yesterday that the University offered admission to 555 of 1,637 early decision applicants for the Class of 2002."They all looked good to me," Hargadon said of the quality of the 33.9 percent of applicants who were accepted.Some of the 1,082 candidates not offered admission in the early decision process may still be accepted in the spring.

NEWS | 02/04/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Committee supports safe Bicker amid sexual harassment concerns

In an increased effort to ensure the safety and comfort of new and prospective eating club members at the 'Street' during Bicker and sign-ins week, the University's Standing Committee on the Status of Women endorsed a "commitment" to a "safe, healthy atmosphere in the eating clubs."Colleen Shanahan '98 led a subcommittee composed of female representatives from all the eating clubs that drafted the new commitment after the standing committee decided to "address women and eating clubs.""I know that the Dean of Student Life has handled several sexual harassment charges during bicker week," Shanahan said.

NEWS | 02/04/1998

The Daily Princetonian

T.I. Officers Leave Two Top Posts

Avoiding discussion of the potential for any disciplinary proceedings, Assistant Dean of Student Life Marianne Waterbury confirmed yesterday there have been "conversations" between her office and officers of eating clubs due to concerns raised over this week's Bicker.The conversations were sparked primarily by deans' worries over "excessive consumption of alcohol" among minors at the eating clubs, Waterbury said."If there are violations that come to our attention, we would follow up on them," she said.

NEWS | 02/04/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Concern for student issues marks Siegel's career as USG president

Ninety-seven files, 20 stenographer's notebooks, more than 1,200 email messages pertaining to USG business, dozens of University reports and strategic plans, and three-and-a-half years of public service: they form what outgoing USG president Jeff Siegel '98 calls "institutional memory."This knowledge of University policy ? past and present ? has allowed Siegel to develop strategies to enact his agenda in the past year.Siegel said he hopes his administration made changes that will be imprinted on the institutional memory of the campus for years to come.

NEWS | 02/03/1998