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The Daily Princetonian

Library initiates project to unify book catalogs for entire 'shelf-list'

Freshmen and sophomores who will be working on their independent work in two years will benefit from a unified library catalog, a project that began March 9."This is something that had to be done to bring the library into the 20th century and eventually into the 21st," Provost Jeremiah Ostriker said.The library card catalog is currently divided into two systems: post-1980 titles in the Online Catalog and pre-1980 titles in the card catalog, which have been scanned into bitmap images.

NEWS | 03/12/1998

The Daily Princetonian

'Madness' draws hundreds of fans to Hartford to revel in Tigers' win

HARTFORD, Conn. ? Whoever said last night's match-up pitted uptight, stuffy Ivy League bookworms against carefree, wild Las Vegas gamblers certainly was not watching our fans.Shedding sleeping bags and tents in favor of orange face paint and fuzzy wigs, the entire town of Carmodyville, plus several dozen students who obtained tickets through other means, moved their brand of "March Madness" inside the Hartford Civic Center for yesterday's NCAA basketball game against UNLV.With the Tigers' student section chanting "Caesar's Palace," "sit down, you suck," and "Coach Bayno, why don't you put your showgirls in?" the UNLV players and coaching staff were constantly barraged.

NEWS | 03/12/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Author Prejean speaks out against capital punishment

"In the discipline of a prison, people can change. And with love, people can change." This was the message delivered by Sister Helen Prejean, author of the book "Dead Man Walking," last night in her speech criticizing the practice of capital punishment.At a time when just about every Princeton student was glued to his or her television watching the men's basketball team trounce UNLV, Prejean was able to attract a large crowd of University students and townspeople to fill the University Chapel to near-capacity.Prejean, co-screenwriter of the film based on her book, has visited inmates on death row for over a decade.

NEWS | 03/12/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Lottery offers last chance for tickets

For 14 students, obtaining a ticket yesterday to the first-round NCAA tournament game between Princeton and the University of Nevada-Las Vegas was as simple as typing "Bill Bradley, 58 points, Wichita State, 1965" and paying $30.The USG sponsored a lottery for tonight's game by posting a basketball-related trivia question on the Web.

NEWS | 03/11/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Audionet to provide live coverage of Tiger basketball over Internet

For alumni across the country, listening to Princeton athletics just got much cheaper.In recent years, listeners have been able to hear radio broadcasts of Tiger sports events by calling Teamline at a cost of more than $40 for a two-hour game.For today's NCAA tournament game in Hartford, however, Teamline will have high-tech competition ? from the Internet.The University has finalized arrangements with Audionet, a Dallas-based company, to broadcast today's first-round contest over the Internet, according to Associate Director of Athletics Kurt Kehl.Listeners will need to download RealAudio Player or Microsoft NetShow on to their computers to hear the game.

NEWS | 03/11/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Peyton Hall observatory to host open houses for students, public

Though most students have their heads buried in books studying for midterms, this particular exam week affords them an opportunity to look to the stars.Tonight, provided the sky is clear, the observatory at Peyton Hall will host the first in a series of informal open houses.They will be open to the general public, said Dave Goldberg GS, who coordinates the observatory sessions.

NEWS | 03/10/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Class of 1998 votes to nominate three seniors for trustee position

The final election for the University's young alumni trustee is one step closer after a primary election narrowed the candidates to Jon Hess '98, Colleen Shanahan '98 and Jeff Siegel '98.Near the end of January, the Alumni Council sent a letter to all seniors requesting anyone interested in becoming a young alumni trustee to come to an informational meeting Feb.

NEWS | 03/10/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Father maintains Brasno's innocence

The father of Jason Brasno '98 said yesterday that his son is innocent of the charges levelled against him in connection with a firecracker that went off in a packed Palestra at the University of Pennsylvania last week."All I know is, he didn't do it," said Andy Brasno of his son, who is charged with a total of three felonies and two misdemeanors.The elder Brasno did say, however, that a Princeton undergraduate had thrown the firecracker.

NEWS | 03/09/1998

The Daily Princetonian

USG reactivates NAACP chapter, proposes spring election change

The USG Senate voted Sunday night to "reactivate" the University's chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Persons as well as to recognize three new student groups."The NAACP is one of the nation's oldest and most influential civil rights organizations," USG vice president Spencer Merriweather '00 said.The University's chapter of the organization has been defunct for "about a year," since its former officers graduated, Merriweather explained."(The NAACP) is already recognized (by the USG); we're just reactivating the group," he said.According to the group's proposal, it will "sponsor forums to discuss difficult and controversial issues," as well as create programs to promote the interest and welfare of black students at the University.According to the report, the main focus will be on "reigniting the activism which evoked the 'progress' we see today." Other groupsThe NAACP was one of four proposed student groups recommended for approval by the Student Group Recognition Committee.

NEWS | 03/09/1998

The Daily Princetonian

U-Council presents budget for new community center

More than a year after Professor Burton Malkiel's Charter Day announcement of the construction of a new community service center, President Shapiro announced yesterday that the University has obtained more than half of the funds needed for such a center.At yesterday's U-Council meeting, Shapiro said the physical and operational budgets of the community service center would total between $7 million and $8 million.

NEWS | 03/09/1998

The Daily Princetonian

FBI continues search for hacker involved in national cyber attack

Over a week after the cyber attack that caused computers to crash at universities and military installations across the country, the search to find the responsible party continues.The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Microsoft Corporation have coordinated server dumps at the affected Universities in an effort to ascertain the exact type and origin of the attack, said Lee Varian, CIT Director of Systems and Networking.The University has also been taking specific actions to prevent this sort of attack from happening again, both by blocking the IP address from where the attack originated and by encouraging students to acquire the available software "patches" from Microsoft's home page, Varian said.CIT Senior Technical Staff Member Peter Olenick said despite encouragement from the University, individuals are still responsible for their own work stations."We don't have that much control over private workstations.

NEWS | 03/09/1998

The Daily Princetonian

REP to continue programs on sex, alcohol education

Continuing in the tradition of "Sex on a Saturday Night," the University's Residential Education Program now organizes events for freshmen and other members of the residential colleges throughout the year.Until now, the end of freshman week signaled the end of such events.The REP Committee decided this year, however, that "one of the major challenges for the REP was to spread things out so that everything wasn't at the beginning of the year," said committee co-chair Carol Porter, Director of Studies in Rockefeller College.One of those activities was the show Sunday night. The Naked TruthDirected by Jen Buchanan '98, "The Naked Truth: Beer, Bodies, and the Nude Olympics" addressed a number of campus social issues.

NEWS | 03/09/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Non-student NCAA tickets to go to alumni, season ticket holders

For two days, the residents of Carmodyville braved the elements to ensure they would get the coveted 100 NCAA basketball tickets allotted for students by the University.However, these students will not be the only members of the Princeton community attending this week's games in Hartford, as 250 other people will also receive tickets from the University ? without waiting in line all weekend.The marching band will receive 30 tickets, and basketball team members will receive about four tickets each, for a team total of 60, according to Inga Radice, senior associate director of athletics.The distribution of the remaining 160 tickets is "all still in flux," Radice said, with more than 300 people vying for the opportunity to see the games.

NEWS | 03/09/1998