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The Daily Princetonian

Coming to blows

Editor’s note: The author of this column was granted anonymity due to the intensely personal nature of the events described.Most kids left with kisses on the cheek.

OPINION | 10/07/2015

The Daily Princetonian

The Fault in Our Heroes

In the age of the Internet, once-glorified idols fall. In an era of the 24-hour news cycle, formerly upheld individuals are summoned from their hallowed depths of revered obscurity and examined by social analysts, pundits and those random guys in the comment section of Yahoo News.

OPINION | 10/06/2015

The Daily Princetonian

The token phenomenon

Upon reading a recent article by guest columnist Luis Ramos ’13, in which he recalls his journey from cultural negation to cultural promotion and ultimately urges Princeton students to use their educational equipment to “help dismantle racism and prejudice,” I came away feeling both mildly inspired and mostly skeptical.

OPINION | 10/05/2015

The Daily Princetonian

Textbooks should be free

This semester I have spent $319.42 on textbooks. The single most expensive of these cost me $129.47, and that’s after Labyrinth Books’ “student discount.” This has always struck me as one of the most ludicrous parts of life at the University and at colleges in general.

OPINION | 09/30/2015

The Daily Princetonian

A logic error by the socially liberal: Rachel Dolezal

One woman, two reporters and a slow news week was the right mix to turn the scandal surrounding Rachel Dolezal, former president of the Spokane, Wash., NAACP, into a national media sensation.You don’t want to hear about her again, and listen, I don’t want to be talking about her three months after we all abandoned her story for newer and shinier outrages.

OPINION | 09/30/2015

The Daily Princetonian

Eating Evil

I used to think that North Korea jokes were funny. I didn’t bother watching "The Interview," but I definitely had a good laugh at all of the jokes about the country in other media like "Team America: World Police" and the TV show "Archer." Yet, as I found out, what really makes us laugh about those jokes is that they make us uncomfortable, which I found out one day in Beijing this past summer. My friends and I had decided on a whim to go to a Beijing outpost of the North Korean government —a state-owned North Korean restaurant.

OPINION | 09/28/2015