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Meghana Veldhuis

A building with two spires sits on a grassy piece of land with water to its front.

VP Catalano under fire: Calls for GSG resignation grow amid union backing controversy

At a special meeting held by the Graduate Student Government on May 21, GSG Vice President Christopher Catalano was heavily criticized for sending an unauthorized email supporting unionization to the gsg-global listserv. Several students called for his resignation. 

At a special meeting held by the Graduate Student Government on May 21, GSG Vice President Christopher Catalano was heavily criticized for sending an unauthorized email supporting unionization to the gsg-global listserv. Several students called for his resignation.

McCosh courtyard in the dark night, with various protestors and their belongings like bags and coats, as well as signs hung from trees that say "Free Free Palestine" and "Popular University for Gaza."

After 24 hours, Princeton sit-in for Gaza persists

The Princeton University sit-in in solidarity with Gaza has reached a full 24 hours. Students began the sit-in early Thursday morning, after planning documents leaked on Wednesday indicated that students were preparing for an encampment.

The Princeton University sit-in in solidarity with Gaza has reached a full 24 hours. Students began the sit-in early Thursday morning, after planning documents leaked on Wednesday indicated that students were preparing for an encampment.

An ivy-covered building in the background in front of a blue sky. In the foreground, there are trees without leaves and a grassy lawn.

Class of 2028 admitted, first class following affirmative action ban

On Thursday, March 28, the Class of 2028 received offers of admission in the regular decision round. This is the first round of admissions following the Supreme Court ban on affirmative admission in June 2023. The ‘Prince’ spoke with some accepted students, who expressed their views on affirmative action and described what led them to apply to Princeton.

On Thursday, March 28, the Class of 2028 received offers of admission in the regular decision round. This is the first round of admissions following the Supreme Court ban on affirmative admission in June 2023. The ‘Prince’ spoke with some accepted students, who expressed their views on affirmative action and described what led them to apply to Princeton.


U. administrators donations heavily favor Kim over Menendez, Murphy in upcoming primary

The Daily Princetonian reviewed public filings to understand which political candidates and causes high-profile Princeton figures have contributed to during their time at the University.

The Daily Princetonian reviewed public filings to understand which political candidates and causes high-profile Princeton figures have contributed to during their time at the University.

A white truck with the words "public safety" painted on its side is parked in front of McCosh Health Center, a red brick building, in the early evening.

Narcan, fentanyl test strips now available through UHS

Fentanyl test strips and the opioid overdose reversal drug Narcan are now available in the vestibule of McCosh Health Center. Students can also sign up online to have these items delivered to their Frist mailbox. 

Fentanyl test strips and the opioid overdose reversal drug Narcan are now available in the vestibule of McCosh Health Center. Students can also sign up online to have these items delivered to their Frist mailbox. 

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