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The Daily Princetonian

Confusing cause and symptom

By Will Rivitz Before I dive into this piece, let’s get one thing out of the way: I fully agree with the central tenet of 'Prince' columnist Shruthi Deivasigamani’s column, “Blaming Women.” The disconnect betweenthe blithe "post-gender" attitude our society ostensibly embodies and the massive, hideous underbelly of an American society extremely conducive to sexual harassment and assault is frightening.

OPINION | 09/15/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Stop blaming biology

In her Aug. 18 column in the New York Post, Doree Lewak discusses how she views the act of “catcalling” to be an innocuous form of “self-empowerment" for women, saying that it should deliver a “drive-by dose of confidence” rather than being considered something as negative as street harassment.

OPINION | 09/14/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Media coverage and Ferguson

I am from Saint Louis, Miss. I was born there, and I spent most of my childhood and adolescence coming to terms with the mess of contradictions and issues that form the core of the city that I identify as home, while still trying to open my eyes to what makes this “flyover city” special. I am not from Ferguson specifically; I am from another suburb that helps compose the series of rings around Saint Louis’ largely rundown nucleus.

OPINION | 09/11/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Seeking strangeness

I was speaking with a kind and interesting trucker last week outside of Pittsburgh, Pa., and a man — a stranger to the both of us — approached my friends and warned them: “Do you know that woman there is actually a man?

OPINION | 09/11/2014

The Daily Princetonian


I’ll begin with the most ironic part of this article — that to remind myself to write it, I emailed myself with the title in the subject line.

OPINION | 09/10/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Blaming women

If the Internet were a physical form, the darkest and slimiest grottos would be home to Reddit. Reddit has compiled and contributed to the world some of the most heinous pictures and comments, including subcommunities called: beatingwomen, jailbait, and most recently TheFappening.

OPINION | 09/09/2014

The Daily Princetonian

The limitations of privacy

It was a bright cold day in May, and the clocks were striking 14-and-a-half, as a crowd full of Princeton students, alumni, teachers and relatives filtered into McCosh 50 yesterday to hear the panel “Big Brother is Watching: Is Privacy a Thing of the Past or Can It Be Reclaimed?” moderated by Princeton professor Ed Felten.

OPINION | 05/30/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Research and real life

The Alumni-Faculty Forums are perhaps the most undervalued part of Reunions. These panel-led discussions capitalize on the wealth of backgrounds and bodies of knowledge that Princetonians bring to the table to discuss some of the most pressing and most intriguing issues we face today.

OPINION | 05/30/2014