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Eisgruber, Dolan endorse increased faculty appointments for American Studies

As a step towards establishing an undergraduate concentration in American Studies with tracks in Asian American and Latinx Studies, President Eigsruber ’83 and Dean of College Jill Dolan expressed support for increasing faculty appointments and other recommendations placed forward by the taskforce on American Studies in a statement released on November 22nd. According to the statement, effective immediately, the University will phase in faculty appointments in American Studies.

NEWS | 11/28/2016

Elizabeth Sell

Updated: Elizabeth Sell wins George J. Mitchell Scholarship

Elizabeth Sell ‘17 was selected as one of the twelve George J. Mitchell Scholars nationwide in the 2018 class for the program, according to the US-Ireland Alliance. The goal of the scholarship “is to provide tomorrow's leaders with an understanding about, an interest in, and an affinity for the island of Ireland,” according to its website.

NEWS | 11/20/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Task Force on Gen Ed. recommends final exams before winter break, changes in A.B. distribution requirements

In a report issued Thursday morning, the Task Force on General Education made six recommendations pertaining to undergraduate teaching that span from mandating foreign language studies regardless of prior proficiency to changes in the academic calendar.According to the report, the task force is recommending that the fall term start earlier and conclude in December.

NEWS | 10/26/2016

The Daily Princetonian

More sophomore enrollment in language concentrations, humanities remain dominated by history concentrators

The Spanish and Portuguese department experienced a significant increase with 16 new concentrators this year compared to three sign-ins last year, according to Spanish and Portuguese department representative Germán Labrador Méndez said. He said that this year’s increase in Spanish and Portuguese majors could be explained by the ongoing internationalization of the University campus, noting that many of the concentrators the department received this year speak multiple languages or have international backgrounds. He also explained that the increase in enrollment reflects the growing importance of the Spanish language in the United States. “Spanish is really getting important in the States,” Méndez said,"especially in real life and in future jobs in the field of medicine, in the field of law, in the field of international relations or in the field of business." The department’s interdisciplinary nature suits many students, whether they are interested in the sciences, humanities, arts or politics,Méndez added. Mary Hui ’17, an aspiring foreign correspondent, explained that the Spanish and Portuguese department’s small size and flexibility, as well as her love for Spanish language, convinced her to join. “Originally, I was thinking about [being a] politics major with a Spanish certificate, but I realized it wouldn’t be enough [for me to master the language],” Hui said.

NEWS | 04/22/2015

The Daily Princetonian

Plans drafted for neuroscience concentration, leaked proposal says

The Princeton Neuroscience Institute has drafted a proposal outlining a program of study for a new neuroscience concentration, according to a document obtained by The Daily Princetonian and dated June 24. The proposal will be discussed and presumably voted upon at a faculty meeting on Monday afternoon, Deputy Dean of the College Clayton Marsh confirmed in an email on Saturday. The change comes nine years after the founding of the Princeton Neuroscience Institute, an initiative of then-University President Shirley Tilghman, and less than a year after the opening of the new psychology and neuroscience building.

NEWS | 11/30/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Princeton to use letter attached to transcript to explain grading policy and repeal

The University will begin attaching a letter detailing the policy of grade deflation and the fact that it was repealed at the beginning of this academic year to the transcripts of sophomores, juniors and seniors, University spokesperson Martin Mbugua said Tuesday. This measure is similar to what had been in practice for the past decade while the old grading policy was still in effect.

NEWS | 10/07/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Recognition of human rights is key to peace in Middle East, AlAttiyah says

Qatar is a nation committed to facilitating international peace and self-determination for all peoples in our uncertain world, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar His Excellency Dr. Khalid Bin Mohammed AlAttiyah argued in a lecture Monday. “We are once again living in a time of profound instability and change, but also a time of great opportunity,” AlAttiyah said. AlAttiyah, who was appointed minister of foreign affairs in 2013, holds a bachelor’s in aviation science from King Faisal Air Academy, a law degree from Beirut Arab University and a master’s and a Ph.D.

NEWS | 09/29/2014

The Daily Princetonian

End of grade deflation could be implemented as early as this fall

Recommendations from the grading policy report released on Tuesday could go into place as early as the upcoming fall term, said University President Christopher Eisgruber ’83, who is supportive of bringing end to grade deflation. “I think it’s really important that Princeton be known for the quality of its teaching rather than for the severity of its curve,” Eisgruber said. Thereport, written by an ad hoc committee commissioned by Eisgruber to examine the grading policy implemented in 2005, urged that the quota for A-range grades of 35 percent be dropped and that emphasis be placed on providing meaningful feedback to students. Eisgruber explained that he will ask the Faculty Committee on Examinations and Standing to discuss the report at its first meeting in September.

NEWS | 08/08/2014

The Daily Princetonian

A-grades decreased the most before deflation and have increased since, committee finds

Following decades of rampant grade inflation, the average GPA and fraction of A-grades given dropped dramatically from 2003-05 — the years right before the current grading policy was implemented — according to a report released by the University on Tuesday morning. The report, which was prepared at the request of University President Christopher Eisgruber ’83 after only a few months in office, suggests that the controversial grade deflation policy has had little direct effect on grading.

NEWS | 08/07/2014