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On taking my last math course

Columnist Rohit Narayanan reflects on the significance of his last math class and considers the value in learning to leave behind a once-beloved field when his academic plans take him in a different direction.

Columnist Rohit Narayanan reflects on the significance of his last math class and considers the value in learning to leave behind a once-beloved field when his academic plans take him in a different direction.

THE PROSPECT | 11/29/2021


‘This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for…’ The lessons I’ve learned as a Telephone Reassurance Volunteer

With Thanksgiving around the corner, Managing Editor Harsimran Makkad reflects on her time as a Telephone Reassurance Volunteer in the past year and a half and the lessons she’s learned from the elderly friends she’s made in the process.

With Thanksgiving around the corner, Managing Editor Harsimran Makkad reflects on her time as a Telephone Reassurance Volunteer in the past year and a half and the lessons she’s learned from the elderly friends she’s made in the process.

THE PROSPECT | 11/22/2021

East Pyne east facade

On languages and possibility

For The Prospect, Contributing Writer Daniel Viorica reflects on the role language learning has played in his life and on the ways a language beyond your first can connect you to entirely new worlds.

For The Prospect, Contributing Writer Daniel Viorica reflects on the role language learning has played in his life and on the ways a language beyond your first can connect you to entirely new worlds.

THE PROSPECT | 11/04/2021

Course Offerings Day illustration

An Ode to Course Offerings Day

In honor of the semesterly release of Course Offerings by the Office of the Registrar, for The Prospect, Associate Editor José Pablo Fernández García captures the excitement and possibility that a new slate of courses presents.

In honor of the semesterly release of Course Offerings by the Office of the Registrar, for The Prospect, Associate Editor José Pablo Fernández García captures the excitement and possibility that a new slate of courses presents.

THE PROSPECT | 11/03/2021

Lewis Center

On listening to foreign music: Why songs matter beyond their lyrics

For The Prospect, Associate Editor Aster Zhang reflects on why they enjoy listening to foreign music, even when it’s in a language they don’t understand — finding freedom in not understanding any particular narrative in a song.

For The Prospect, Associate Editor Aster Zhang reflects on why they enjoy listening to foreign music, even when it’s in a language they don’t understand — finding freedom in not understanding any particular narrative in a song.

THE PROSPECT | 11/02/2021

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Revisiting childhood media in the transition to adulthood

Contributing Writer Thia Bian reflects on the difficulty of transitions and reconciling one’s past self in high school with the present self in college. For Bian, the return to media from her childhood has provided respite in this endeavor. 

Contributing Writer Thia Bian reflects on the difficulty of transitions and reconciling one’s past self in high school with the present self in college. For Bian, the return to media from her childhood has provided respite in this endeavor.

THE PROSPECT | 10/28/2021

desire paths

Desire paths, ‘Walden,’ and walking without a path

Inspired by walks around campus, Senior Writer Gabriel Robare meditates on the desire path — a trail created by repeated foot traffic — in a passage from Thoreau’s “Walden,” as well as in his personal life, as someone who finds joy in creating patterns and routines out of the chaos of life.

Inspired by walks around campus, Senior Writer Gabriel Robare meditates on the desire path — a trail created by repeated foot traffic — in a passage from Thoreau’s “Walden,” as well as in his personal life, as someone who finds joy in creating patterns and routines out of the chaos of life.  

THE PROSPECT | 10/25/2021

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How (and why) Minecraft YouTube raised hundreds of thousands for cancer research

As someone who has (thankfully) never had to experience the anguish of having a loved one suffer through cancer, I foolishly thought it wasn’t something that affected me. Since then, I’ve taken time to educate myself on sarcoma, which, due to its rarity, has had relatively less research. 

As someone who has (thankfully) never had to experience the anguish of having a loved one suffer through cancer, I foolishly thought it wasn’t something that affected me. Since then, I’ve taken time to educate myself on sarcoma, which, due to its rarity, has had relatively less research. 

THE PROSPECT | 10/24/2021


Spend fall break in SoHo!

Are you looking for somewhere to visit over fall break? We would highly recommend the SoHo area in New York City. Here’s a few spots that we checked out there over the past summer.  

Are you looking for somewhere to visit over fall break? We would highly recommend the SoHo area in New York City. Here’s a few spots that we checked out there over the past summer.   

THE PROSPECT | 10/05/2021

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The death of the pleasure read

Contributing Writer for The Prospect Clara McWeeny reflects on how the burdensome reading load of the Humanities sequence has practically killed the pleasure read, keeping her from returning to the books and worlds she’s grown accustomed to calling her own.

Contributing Writer for The Prospect Clara McWeeny reflects on how the burdensome reading load of the Humanities sequence has practically killed the pleasure read, keeping her from returning to the books and worlds she’s grown accustomed to calling her own.

THE PROSPECT | 09/29/2021


Only human: Reflections from a pre-med in a pandemic

“When I tell people that I want to be a doctor, most of the responses I get focus on the clinical and scientific aspects of the job. I’m keenly aware of the fact that I’m viewed as one of those pillars of science and logic — someone who is simply providing the next diagnosis, seeing the next patient, filling out the next chart. But as I’ve learned from this pandemic, it is the resilience, dedication, and paramount concern for the greater good that keeps that pillar standing strong.” 

“When I tell people that I want to be a doctor, most of the responses I get focus on the clinical and scientific aspects of the job. I’m keenly aware of the fact that I’m viewed as one of those pillars of science and logic — someone who is simply providing the next diagnosis, seeing the next patient, filling out the next chart. But as I’ve learned from this pandemic, it is the resilience, dedication, and paramount concern for the greater good that keeps that pillar standing strong.” 

THE PROSPECT | 09/19/2021

A view of the New York City skyline shortly after the Towers fell.

Remembering the day the Towers fell

In observance of the 20th anniversary of Sept. 11, The Prospect asked Princeton community members — students, faculty, staff, and alumni — to share brief personal reflections and anecdotes. Responses were edited for concision and clarity. 

In observance of the 20th anniversary of Sept. 11, The Prospect asked Princeton community members — students, faculty, staff, and alumni — to share brief personal reflections and anecdotes. Responses were edited for concision and clarity. 

THE PROSPECT | 09/12/2021


Visiting Princeton’s 9/11 memorial, 20 years after the towers fell

Remembering is something so deeply ingrained into the physical campus in which we make our lives as Princeton students. Still, it’s so easy to walk through its arches and towers and halls without ever taking the time to really contemplate the people and stories the campus embodies.

Remembering is something so deeply ingrained into the physical campus in which we make our lives as Princeton students. Still, it’s so easy to walk through its arches and towers and halls without ever taking the time to really contemplate the people and stories the campus embodies.

THE PROSPECT | 09/10/2021

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Triangle's Frosh Week Show and the future soon to begin

“In this instant, the most tangible change I feel is a resurging joy, almost childlike, after a somber year, all thanks to the promise of soon, finally, participating behind the scenes in the Triangle tradition that helped me fall in love with this school and this club when I was only an audience member.” 

“In this instant, the most tangible change I feel is a resurging joy, almost childlike, after a somber year, all thanks to the promise of soon, finally, participating behind the scenes in the Triangle tradition that helped me fall in love with this school and this club when I was only an audience member.”  

THE PROSPECT | 08/30/2021