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The Daily Princetonian

Journal points out University's shortage of black professors

Despite President Shapiro's stated commitment to recruit more minority faculty members, the University placed 24th out of the nation's 27 highest-ranked universities in a recent survey comparing percentages of black faculty members.The survey ? which was published in the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education's winter 1999 issue ? reported that out of the University's 734 professors, only 15 are African American, making up just two percent of the faculty."The numbers are disgraceful," said American studies program director Sean Wilentz, who is a member of the committee dedicated to recruiting more minority faculty members.

NEWS | 03/22/2000

The Daily Princetonian

NAACP chairman Bond revisits the 'dream'

Julian Bond once took a class at Morehouse College in Georgia taught by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.Today, the civil rights activist and chairman of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is dedicated to upholding the principles for which the legendary King once fought."We were never intimate friends," Bond said in an interview yesterday.

NEWS | 03/22/2000

The Daily Princetonian

Jon Stewart recalls life as a local boy

When Jon Stewart reflects on growing up in central New Jersey, three particularly poignant memories enter the townie-turned-television-titan's mind."Hoagie Haven, Genessee Cream Ale and whizzing on the Mercer Oak," he said.Upon learning that the Mercer Oak is no longer standing, Stewart responded, "I blame Yale.

NEWS | 03/22/2000

The Daily Princetonian

Commission delays smoking ban decision

After more than two hours of heated argument at a Borough Hall public hearing last night, the Princeton Regional Health Commission voted to postpone its decision on whether to institute a proposed ban on smoking in most public places and workplaces in Princeton.Commission chairman Robert Hendry said he believes that, because of the overwhelming response by concerned residents and the legal issues raised by such an ordinance, the commission will not make a decision at its next meeting April 18, but will wait until its May meeting to do so."We are really under the gun to be sued," Hendry said.

NEWS | 03/21/2000

The Daily Princetonian

In a raucous meeting, USG approves several measures to reform elections

After nearly two hours of intense debate, the USG senate approved measures Monday night clarifying ill-defined elections rules that have provoked disagreement between candidates and the USG elections committee in the past.Beginning with the upcoming spring class officer elections, USG candidates will be informed of their right to appeal elections committee decisions ? a provision that technically existed but has not been used in recent years.

NEWS | 03/21/2000