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Guest Contributions

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The Office of Disability Services has made significant progress in making campus more accessible

“Disabilities affect students’ ability to navigate academics, traverse campus, and participate in extracurricular activities, while also requiring many to engage in treatment and care for their disability. It is therefore essential that we create an environment where they can thrive. ODS has had a profound impact on Princeton—and we hope to continue this progress in the future.”

“Disabilities affect students’ ability to navigate academics, traverse campus, and participate in extracurricular activities, while also requiring many to engage in treatment and care for their disability. It is therefore essential that we create an environment where they can thrive. ODS has had a profound impact on Princeton—and we hope to continue this progress in the future.”

OPINION | 03/27/2023

Glasss door with sign "Face covering required inside McCosh health center" with metal box with words "Drop Specimen Here" inside.

When you think about COVID-19 risk, consider immunocompromised people

“I hope that my words here serve as a chance to learn about the experience of a disabled person navigating what often feels like a minefield, but also a call to action for Princeton students to make our community more accessible for people like me. I am not comfortable with any of our community members being lost, forgotten, or excluded. You shouldn’t be either.”

 “I hope that my words here serve as a chance to learn about the experience of a disabled person navigating what often feels like a minefield, but also a call to action for Princeton students to make our community more accessible for people like me. I am not comfortable with any of our community members being lost, forgotten, or excluded. You shouldn’t be either.”

OPINION | 03/26/2023

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The Young Alumni Trustee election process is a disgrace

“When the finances and governance of the University are at stake, as it is in this election, Princeton shows its authoritarian side. University community members, especially students, alumni, and professors who are concerned with the state of free speech rights on campus, ought to be outraged by this.”

“When the finances and governance of the University are at stake, as it is in this election, Princeton shows its authoritarian side. University community members, especially students, alumni, and professors who are concerned with the state of free speech rights on campus, ought to be outraged by this.”

OPINION | 03/22/2023


Princeton SHP should comply with the NJ Family Building Act and cover advanced reproductive treatments

“Since 2001, the NJ Family Building Act has guaranteed coverage of infertility diagnosis and advanced reproductive treatments (such as IVF) in the State of New Jersey. Unfortunately, as Princeton SHP is a self-funded plan, it does not have to comply with state mandates. Especially given its extreme wealth as an institution, Princeton has a responsibility to fund access to this kind of care for its students.”

“Since 2001, the NJ Family Building Act has guaranteed coverage of infertility diagnosis and advanced reproductive treatments (such as IVF) in the State of New Jersey. Unfortunately, as Princeton SHP is a self-funded plan, it does not have to comply with state mandates. Especially given its extreme wealth as an institution, Princeton has a responsibility to fund access to this kind of care for its students.” 

OPINION | 03/21/2023


Let’s be skeptical of PGSU

“Unionization may lower expected stipend growth in the long run and use members as pawns in political agendas. The benefits that a union can actually achieve are marginal, at best.”

“Unionization may lower expected stipend growth in the long run and use members as pawns in political agendas. The benefits that a union can actually achieve are marginal, at best.”

OPINION | 03/20/2023

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Princeton and the judicial coup attempt in Israel

“I urge all of us who care about the situation in Israel/Palestine to inform ourselves about the coup attempt, its causes, and implications; to find out more about how the coup attempt is funded and by whom; to express solidarity with those who fight for democracy, liberty, and human rights both in Israel/Palestine and around the world; and to stop accepting money from organizations that work actively to undermine liberal democracy.”

“I urge all of us who care about the situation in Israel/Palestine to inform ourselves about the coup attempt, its causes, and implications; to find out more about how the coup attempt is funded and by whom; to express solidarity with those who fight for democracy, liberty, and human rights both in Israel/Palestine and around the world; and to stop accepting money from organizations that work actively to undermine liberal democracy.”

OPINION | 03/19/2023


‘No, Princeton is not loan free’ – not for international students

“The tax bill makes Princeton inequitable and surprisingly inaccessible for many low-income international students, especially low-income students of color... If Princeton is truly concerned with equity, it’s time for them to follow Yale’s lead and take the burden of paying the tax off of international students.”

 “The tax bill makes Princeton inequitable and surprisingly inaccessible for many low-income international students, especially low-income students of color... If Princeton is truly concerned with equity, it’s time for them to follow Yale’s lead and take the burden of paying the tax off of international students.” 

OPINION | 02/28/2023


Why I signed a union card for Princeton Graduate Students United

“I cannot, nor can any single person, understand what graduate students at Princeton need as a whole, but when we work together, we can better understand systemic issues at the University in order to call for change.”

“I cannot, nor can any single person, understand what graduate students at Princeton need as a whole, but when we work together, we can better understand systemic issues at the University in order to call for change.”

OPINION | 02/27/2023


If Rutgers can provide intensive mental healthcare for students, so can Princeton

If the University wants to make the Ivy League accessible to those with mental illnesses and put an end to the mental health problems plaguing students — problems which feel intimately and horribly linked with the several student suicides of the past few years — then it should provide an accessible, extensive, University-run enhanced care option for students with mental illnesses.

If the University wants to make the Ivy League accessible to those with mental illnesses and put an end to the mental health problems plaguing students — problems which feel intimately and horribly linked with the several student suicides of the past few years — then it should provide an accessible, extensive, University-run enhanced care option for students with mental illnesses.

OPINION | 02/26/2023

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The University must speak out on earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

“Why is it so controversial for us, as Middle Eastern members of the Princeton community, to expect a similar show of solidarity when we experience a horrific tragedy and humanitarian disaster?”

“Why is it so controversial for us, as Middle Eastern members of the Princeton community, to expect a similar show of solidarity when we experience a horrific tragedy and humanitarian disaster?”

OPINION | 02/21/2023

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Diversity, equity, and inclusion are crucial to Princeton. Let’s change how we talk about them.

“When we depict DEI as a mere ‘investment’ and a step towards the accrual of meritocratic excellence, we imply that it would not be a priority if it didn’t have value for the University’s wider goals.”

“When we depict DEI as a mere ‘investment’ and a step towards the accrual of meritocratic excellence, we imply that it would not be a priority if it didn’t have value for the University’s wider goals.”

OPINION | 02/20/2023


Why is the Office of Religious Life celebrating Israel’s Independence Day?

“Judaism is not Zionism. And when campus administrators imply that they are one and the same, it is inaccurate and offensive. The University should not be in the business of declaring new Jewish holidays, especially when such proclamations serve exclusionary and reactionary ends.”

“Judaism is not Zionism. And when campus administrators imply that they are one and the same, it is inaccurate and offensive. The University should not be in the business of declaring new Jewish holidays, especially when such proclamations serve exclusionary and reactionary ends.”

OPINION | 02/19/2023


Stop blaming students for the mental health crisis: A response to Ethan Hicks '26

“Academic rigor, including difficult rites of passage such as writing seminars and the senior theses, is not, in my opinion, truly at the heart of Princeton’s mental health problem. Rather, the problem is the lack of accessible mental health resources and our overall attitude towards mental health.”

“Academic rigor, including difficult rites of passage such as writing seminars and the senior theses, is not, in my opinion, truly at the heart of Princeton’s mental health problem. Rather, the problem is the lack of accessible mental health resources and our overall attitude towards mental health”

OPINION | 02/15/2023