Last semester, the unsigned editorials featured on this page have discussed issues such as reforming the University calendar, deregulating bathroom codes, and standardizing independent work across departments. The Daily Princetonian Editorial Board, a group of 16 undergraduates, was collectively responsible for writing these pieces. The members of the Board are not the editors of the various sections of the ‘Prince’ but, rather, an independent group of undergraduate students. Instead of taking a stance on an issue, this publication will outline the editorial process to encourage interested freshmen, sophomores, and juniors to apply to join the Board.
The Daily Princetonian Editorial Board is an independent body within the paper that decides on and articulates its own position on campus, local, domestic, and international issues that have a special and important impact on the University. The purpose of the Editorial Board is to educate the Princeton community through insightful analysis and argumentation, and to draw the community’s collective attention to issues of which it might otherwise be unaware. Moreover, members of the Editorial Board aim to incorporate a variety of diverse perspectives into their editorials. They meet twice a week to discuss campus issues, solicit input from potential stakeholders, and ultimately determine our stance on the issue at hand. The Board decides its opinions separately from the regular staff and editors of The Daily Princetonian. The Board answers only to its Co-Chairs, Connor Pfeiffer ’18 and Ashley Reed ’18; the Opinion Editor, Newby Parton ’18; and the Editor-in-Chief, Sarah Sakha ’18.
While the Board strives for unanimity, editorial positions are determined by majority vote, and members take turns writing the editorials. The majority opinion is signed collectively by the Board rather than the individuals who concurred with the position of the majority. The minority can also publish a dissent that will bear the names of the individuals dissenting when they are particularly passionate about the issue. All majority opinions are the collective product of the Board, and constitute an independent voice separate from other sections of the ‘Prince.’
Crucial to our mission is the ability to incorporate a variety of diverse perspectives into the editorials we produce. Current Board members come from around the globe and represent a wide variety of majors, political philosophies, and academic and extracurricular interests. What unites them is engagement in campus life and commitment to investigating and discussing issues pertaining to the University community. We are committed to bringing compelling arguments and perspectives to this page, criticizing and praising in equal measure. We try to recommend specific policies or actions for the University that, in our opinion, are best for the community as a whole.
For us, its members, the Board is one of the defining activities of our time at the University. From the (relative) comfort of our conference room, we engage in challenging, passionate, and intellectually stimulating debates that lead us to examine and confront the full range of issues that affect our lives at the University. Our aim is to inspire discussion and, ultimately, action. However, this is impossible without students with unique perspectives — independent thinkers who are eager to debate and willing to engage with issues important to the University. We value writing ability, creativity, and strength of thought much more than journalistic experience. If you are interested in joining us, we encourage you to fill out our application by 11:59 p.m. on Feb. 16, 2017. Applicants will be interviewed shortly thereafter. We look forward to meeting you!
The Editorial Board is an independent body and decides its opinions separately from the regular staff and editors of The Daily Princetonian. The Board answers only to its Co-Chairs, the Opinion Editor, and the Editor-in-Chief. It can be reached at