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Headliners and Headshakers

Neither News Nor Notes: Cotsen Children’s Library named Carle Honors Award recipient, Firestone Library named the Gates of Hell

Cruz ’92, Christie remain top 10 Republican candidates, Trump is still winning so why are we talking about this


U. has lowest ‘annual cost’ of Ivy League, biggest bang for buck, according to U.S. News and World Savings

Neither News Nor Notes: Harvard final club becomes first to extend invitations to women, 24 years after T.I. became last eating club to do so

Community Action, Outdoor Action trips shortened by one day, life of Rick Curtis ’79 extends one day

U. initiative commits to 5-year agreement with ExxonMobil to develop energy innovations, ensure world domination

Career Services partners with Handshake to revamp HireTigers, also partners with FistBump and BroHug

Neither News Nor Notes: U. ranked 26th most innovative university in the world, additionally ranked 13th in creativity and received 15 endorsements for proficiency in Microsoft Office