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The Daily Princetonian

Editorial: Against Divestment from Private Prisons

During the Spring Undergraduate Student Government elections this week, students voted on, among other ballot items, a referendum calling on the University and the Princeton Investment Corporation to “divest from corporations that draw profit from incarceration, drug control and immigrant deportation policies.” The Board has consistently argued against divestment of the University’s endowment. Although the referendum did not meet the minimum voting requirement of one-third the student body,the Board urges the University to reject future petitions to divest unless there is substantial consensus and more conclusive evidence.

OPINION | 04/21/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Editorial: Affirming the Wilson Legacy Review Committee's recommendations

Last week, the University Board of Trustees announced its approval of the recommendations made in the Wilson Legacy Committee's report. These recommendations include retaining Wilson’s name at the Woodrow Wilson School and Wilson College, revising Princeton’s unofficial motto, diversifying campus art and establishing a potential graduate school pipeline program for underrepresented groups.

OPINION | 04/11/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Editorial: Reaffirming Freedom of Expression

President Eisgruber recently stated, “We at Princeton believe that it is a fundamental advantage for a university to be able to tolerate even offensive kinds of speech and to respond to bad arguments when they are made with more speech rather than with disciplinary actions.” His statement was made to defend freedom of expression, up to the point of protecting the right of student groups to commemorate Osama bin Laden, and this Board believes that such freedom extends to other offensive ideas and arguments.This past weekend, a computer hacker known as “Weev” claimed responsibility for printing posters criticizing the presence of Jews in the United States and promoting white supremacy through the website of a group known as The Daily Stormer.

OPINION | 03/31/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Editorial: Improve Summer Study Abroad Offerings and Financial Aid

Princeton offers its undergraduate students a wide array of summer opportunities, from the International Internship Program (IIP) to Princeton Internships in Civic Service (PICS). Included in students’ access to summer opportunities is the ability to study abroad during the summer for course credit through the Office of International Programs.

OPINION | 02/21/2016