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Tess Weinreich

rabid raccoon

Student captures her own raccoon attack on film

On Monday night, a student was attacked by a raccoon, which based on its behavior is believed to be rabid. The student who was attacked recorded the entire encounter with the raccoon and submitted the video with audio to the @barstoolprinceton Instagram account.

On Monday night, a student was attacked by a raccoon, which based on its behavior is believed to be rabid. The student who was attacked recorded the entire encounter with the raccoon and submitted the video with audio to the @barstoolprinceton Instagram account.

ncw coffee club worker

Student employment sees no decline after eliminated student contribution, wages to increase in January

In the first semester since the University eliminated the student contribution from financial aid packages, data show that the percentage of students working campus jobs is at least as high as it was last Fall.

In the first semester since the University eliminated the student contribution from financial aid packages, data show that the percentage of students working campus jobs is at least as high as it was last Fall.

A rendering of a beige stone building, lined with trees and student walkways.

New Frist Health Center bolsters legacy of historic Princeton family

The University announced a plan to replace McCosh Health Center last week, funded by a “major gift” from Dr. Thomas Frist Jr. a billionaire physician-businessman and brother to former senate majority leader William Frist ’74. The Frists claim three generations of Princetonians and rank among the University’s largest donor families.

The University announced a plan to replace McCosh Health Center last week, funded by a “major gift” from Dr. Thomas Frist Jr. a billionaire physician-businessman and brother to former senate majority leader William Frist ’74. The Frists claim three generations of Princetonians and rank among the University’s largest donor families.

A brightly-lit laundry room with stacked units and a yellow caution sign.

Holder and Henry sewage problems caused by tennis balls, ping pong balls, and beer cans

Flushed tennis balls, ping-pong balls, and beer cans clogged plumbing systems in Holder and Henry halls earlier this week, causing damages to a student rug and drain cap. Repairs are ongoing in both locations as the sewage smell lingers, according to residents. 

Flushed tennis balls, ping pong balls, and beer cans clogged plumbing systems in Holder and Henry halls earlier this week, causing damages to a student rug and drain cap. Repairs are ongoing in both locations as the sewage smell lingers, according to residents. 

 Square photo of silhouette of building with four spires plus lots of clouds in front of a yellow sky. 

Princeton says kidnapped student was conducting research for ‘approved Ph.D. dissertation topic’

In a new statement, the University recognized for the first time that doctoral candidate Elizabeth Tsurkov’s research in Iraq, where she was kidnapped in March, was for her politics dissertation.

In a new statement, the University recognized for the first time that doctoral candidate Elizabeth Tsurkov's research in Iraq, where she was kidnapped in March, was for her politics dissertation.

Edwards Hall in the foreground, with a large tree fallen on the right side of the building across Elm Drive.

Falling oak tree smashes student windows in Edwards Hall, causing evacuations

An oak tree fell across Elm Drive, hitting Edwards Hall and forcing student residents to evacuate in the early morning hours on Saturday, Sept. 23. The incident broke windows of two dorm rooms and two bathrooms, but the building did not incur any structural damage.

An oak tree fell across Elm Drive, hitting Edwards Hall and forcing student residents to evacuate in the early morning hours on Saturday, Sept. 23. The incident broke windows to two residential rooms and two bathrooms, but did not incur any structural damage.

Man in navy shirt stands in front of two white trucks filled with fans in blue boxes.

After ‘chaotic’ first day of fan distribution, fans continue to trickle onto campus

Housing Operations continues distribution of box fans this week, after a disorganized first day of distribution. Students living in dormitories without air conditioning must now use a form to register for additional inventory fans as they become available.

Housing operations continues distribution of box fans this week, after a disorganized first day of distribution. Students living in dormitories without air conditioning must now use a form to register for additional inventory fans, as they become available.

A map of Princeton's campus with PEV restricted zones overlaid in red.

New restrictions aim to dramatically curtail e-vehicle use across campus

According to the campus message, this tightened policy comes after a “formal review” conducted by the Environmental Safety and Risk Management Committee. The message cites student body growth, increased use of PEVs, and reduced accessibility to pathways due to construction as exacerbating factors. 

According to the campus message, this tightened policy comes after a “formal review” conducted by the Environmental Safety and Risk Management Committee. The message cites student body growth, increased use of PEVs, and reduced accessibility to pathways due to construction as exacerbating factors.


Researcher accuses Fung Global Fellows Program of pregnancy discrimination

Dr. Saskia Stucki says the University’s lack of accommodations for her pregnancy forced her to withdraw from the program’s 2023–2024 cohort.

Dr. Saskia Stucki says the University’s lack of accommodations for her pregnancy forced her to withdraw from the program’s 2023–2024 cohort.

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