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The Daily Princetonian

Deadline deadbeat

Although advancing, er, maturity, although advancing maturity makes me feel increasingly distant from the lived undergraduate experience in many respects, there is at least one cause for which my sympathy with my students, already heartfelt and entire, only grows in its intensity as the years go by: the subject of writing deadlines.

OPINION | 12/11/2002

The Daily Princetonian

Finding new life in the Tory

In the last year, the editors of the Tory have perfected the art of sparking campus controversy. As of late, they have even caused a new divestment campaign in which students are calling for the University to pull all funding from the magazine, as well as launched a heated face-off with the president of the USG.

OPINION | 12/11/2002

The Daily Princetonian

It's a Destructive Life

'Tis the season ? for homecomings and wassail and shopping malls. And, of course, for "It's A Wonderful Life," the American classic which rightly ? if ceaselessly ? claims its place as a feature of our Christmas celebration.For most viewers, the film is a light and happy reflection of the holidays.

OPINION | 12/10/2002

The Daily Princetonian

Vacation homework

When I was in high school, I recall that probably the most annoying thing in the world was when teachers had the idea that because vacation was right around the corner, and it was the end of the semester, that it was somehow all right to drop all the work we hadn't done during the year thus far into our laps in the last week.

OPINION | 12/09/2002

The Daily Princetonian

Letters to the Editor

The importance of a constructive campus debateThe Tory supports free speech. Especially on this "diverse" Princeton campus.In Wednesday's 'Prince,' Arthur Dudney '05 described his attempts to end all University funding for the Tory.

OPINION | 12/08/2002

The Daily Princetonian

What would Schopenhauer do?

"Lives of great men all remind us / we can make our lives sublime, / and, departing, leave behind us / footprints on the sands of time." These mighty lines of our great and neglected Longfellow eloquently state a commonplace human longing for ethical role models, people we can look up to, people we can hope to follow in making our own difficult life choices.

OPINION | 12/04/2002

The Daily Princetonian

Letters to the Editor

University should stop funding The Tory, ending biased 'Rant'I met with President Tilghman over a week ago to discuss what could be done about the callously homophobic and neo-colonialist statements made in the November issue of The Princeton Tory.

OPINION | 12/03/2002