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The Daily Princetonian

Earth Week begins as students initiate series of activities

Earth Week debuts today, and environmentally active students hope to show that recycling and clean-water campaigns should rustle the flag-flying on top of Nassau Hall."We're very ambitious, and this is far more than what we did last year," said event coordinator Mike Wendschuh '99.This is the second consecutive year University students have collaborated to usher in Earth Day, April 22, the worldwide celebration of environmental awareness.The Earth Day celebration will take place throughout campus, with activities in Firestone Plaza, Poe Field and even the 'Street.' Because student participation in past years has been low, organizers have made this year's events more appealing. Encourage student turnout"For student organizations to do anything for the environment is virtually impossible so we don't get very good turnouts," Wendschuh said.

NEWS | 04/14/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Construction begins for terrace, new entries to Prospect Gardens

Students accustomed to walking through Prospect Gardens on their way to classes or the 'Street' have had to alter their course this week in response to construction work.According to Jim Consolloy, head of grounds maintenance, a bluestone terrace, which will be part of the walkway systems leading to the new campus center, is being installed behind Prospect House.

NEWS | 04/14/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Surveys indicate infrequent sex on campus

Sex kills. Come to Princeton and live forever," reads the T-shirt.While the lack of sex on campus has often been the source of humorous speculation, the results of a campus-wide 'Prince' survey suggest that the T-shirt's message may be closer to fact than fiction.The survey, conducted at residential college dining halls, coops and eating clubs (except Tiger Inn, which refused to participate), asked students a range of questions about sexual behavior and relationships.

NEWS | 04/14/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Lake speaks about globalization, problems facing new democracies

A year ago, Anthony Lake GS 69, 74 stood before a University audience as a man muzzled by his pending nomination to be Director of the CIA.Yesterday, Lake showed he does have plenty to say, though he conceded at the outset of his remarks that what he says "doesn't mean very much anymore."Lake, who served as National Security Advisor during President Clinton's first term, left the government last year after withdrawing his name from consideration for the CIA job when it became clear the Senate would not approve his nomination.

NEWS | 04/14/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Guggenheim foundation awards grants to six University professors

Six University professors were among the 168 recipients of fellowship awards from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.Professors Scott Burnham, Demetrios Christodoulou, Hal Foster, Abdellah Hammoudi, Kenneth Rogoff and Salvatore Torguato have been named Guggenheim Fellows in the foundation's 74th annual competition.The foundation selects advanced professionals in all fields of study, excluding the performing arts, to receive funding as Guggenheim Fellows.

NEWS | 04/14/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Bike theft vexes students, police; Public Safety intensifies efforts

Returning to the Graduate College late one September night, Sadanand Dhume GS locked the front wheel of his spanking new Schwinn bicycle to a nearby bench.It was the last time Dhume would ever see his bike, for the sight that greeted him when he awoke hours later was truly horrific."When I got there the next morning, all I could see was a wheel," Dhume said.

NEWS | 04/13/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Exam committees to meet

The newly created student Committee on Examinations and Standing will meet with its faculty-run counterpart before the end of the school year, giving the student body a voice in academic matters.The provisions in the "Rules and Procedures of the Faculty of Princeton University" require the meeting, stating that "whenever the Undergraduate Student Government shall establish a committee parallel to a faculty committee, the parallel committees shall at least once a year meet in joint session."The faculty Committee on Examinations and Standing reviews student records and deals with "substantive issues affecting the entire student body," USG president David Ascher '99 said.USG academics chair Todd Rich '00 said the meeting between the student and faculty committees is important because it marks "the beginning of a formalized forum for student input to be taken into consideration" in academic matters."I think it is a very positive step we are taking," he added.Ascher shared the optimism, noting that the USG has been requesting student participation on the committee for the past three years.When the student committee was established earlier this year, Dean of the College Nancy Malkiel was hesitant to allow the student and faculty committees to meet, citing the sensitivity of most of the subject matter that the committee handles.There is "usually no business that is something other than what is related to student records," Malkiel said in a Feb.

NEWS | 04/13/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Harkin duo to give '98 baccalaureate

Ruth Harkin will join her husband Senator Tom Harkin in this year's baccalaureate address, the University announced Friday.It will be the first time that two speakers will give the University's baccalaureate speech.When Senator Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, learned that this year marked the 25th anniversary of Princeton's first coeducational graduating class, he extended the podium to include his wife.They will give a joint baccalaureate address Sunday, May 31 in celebration of the anniversary of full coeducation.Harkin "thought it would be nice for his wife to join him in the address," said Mary Caffrey, media relations officer in the University's communications office.The senator suggested the idea to President Shapiro who highly approved and welcomed the prospect of an additional speaker, Caffrey said.Once called the sermon, the baccalaureate address is one of the University's oldest traditions.

NEWS | 04/12/1998

The Daily Princetonian

IRS allows Prospect Foundation to remain tax-exempt

As the April 15 tax deadline approaches, many Americans are beginning to worry about dealing with the Internal Revenue Service.For officers of Prospect Foundation, the eating clubs' primary fund-raising organization, their IRS worries may finally be over.According to Prospect Foundation chief legal counsel Robert Haines '61, an IRS audit that threatened to end the foundation's tax-exempt status is in the final stages of being resolved.Prospect Foundation, which is currently affiliated with all eating clubs except Charter Club and Tiger Inn, was founded in 1959 to facilitate tax-deductible donations from alumni to the eating clubs, said foundation treasurer Gordon Harrison '68.

NEWS | 04/12/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Crain, Shtulman establish new Odyssey of Mind team

The regional receptions for incoming freshmen generally give future Princetonians a chance to get to know other members of their class prior to their arrival on campus.For Stacie Crain '01 and Andrew Shtulman '01, however, the reception led to the founding of a new student organization on campus.Shtulman and Crain are co-founders of Odyssey of the Mind, which Shtulman describes as "a creative problem solving competition.""I started in first grade and I've always done it," Crain said.

NEWS | 04/12/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Ivy schools reveal admissions figures

With acceptance letters for the Class of 2002 sent, admission officials at other Ivy League schools say they are taking a wait-and-see approach in judging whether the financial-aid initiatives announced by Princeton and Yale universities this year will have an effect on matriculation rates.The two policies, which greatly expand aid for middleand lowerincome students, were announced after most students submitted their admission applications, but the plans have been well publicized in the months since.Lee Stetson, dean of admissions at the University of Pennsylvania, said because the plans were not in place when this year's pool of applicants applied, any impact will likely be muted."Next year and the year after will be more indicative," he said.Dartmouth College's Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid Karl Furstenberg agreed."I think that (the effect) will vary a lot from one institution to the next," Furstenberg said.

NEWS | 04/09/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Native Americans sponsor programs to dispel stereotypes

In the hope of introducing the University community to American Indian culture and history, the student group, Native Americans at Princeton, the Third World Center and various University departments are sponsoring Native American Day today.Since there are only 32 American Indians currently enrolled here, the group struggles to remind people of its presence."We hope to make people aware of the Native American tradition," NAAP secretary Amanda Colegrove '00 said.

NEWS | 04/09/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Rocky closes kitchen, pool room after recurring vandalism, mess

Aspiring chefs and future billiards champions currently residing in Rocky are out of luck.Rockefeller College staff decided Monday to close the Holder Hall pool room and the Witherspoon kitchen due to recurring vandalism and excessive mess.The two facilities will probably remain closed for the rest of the academic year, college administrator Pat Heslin said.The decision to close the Holder pool room occurred after the ceiling was damaged for the fourth time this year, Heslin said.

NEWS | 04/09/1998