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A collective voice: Mission statement of the 146th Editorial Board

The entrance of the newsroom
48 University Place, Home of the Daily Princetonian
Benjamin Ball / The Daily Princetonian

The 146th Daily Princetonian Editorial Board is a group of senior editors and writers dedicated to writing signed editorials that speak on campus and community issues. These editorials are collective endeavors; though often first drafted by the Chair of the Editorial Board, they are edited as a group following thorough discussion and debate, and thus represent the consensus of the group. When consensus cannot be reached, Board members are encouraged to write signed dissents, which will be published alongside the majority’s editorial.

The 146th Editorial Board strives to be inclusive, thorough, and action-oriented, using the guiding principles of mutual respect and intentionality in our work.


We dedicate ourselves to accountability: holding the University, the student body, and most importantly, ourselves accountable. From University policies to student politics to issues within our own organization, we dedicate ourselves to writing editorials that speak on existing campus conversations and initiate new and sometimes uncomfortable ones that have often been overlooked.

We will strive to be advocates of marginalized groups on campus and to uplift the many voices in those communities whose work on key issues must be spotlighted. The Editorial Board does not claim to represent the voice of any one community. We do not and cannot represent every voice on the ‘Prince’ or be the voice of the identity groups and communities we individually inhabit; we believe that no one should or can carry the burden of being a representative of their entire communities. 

Rather, this Board’s pieces will rest on the collective voice of its nine individual contributors, who have devoted a portion of their year to participating in challenging discussions, understanding each other’s worldviews, and working together to provide what we hope will be insightful and driven editorials. We are a diverse group of editors, hailing from different countries and belonging to many communities. Members of our Board come from the Class of 2023 and 2024 and have all worked in different sections across the ‘Prince,’ from opinion to features to newsletter. 

We acknowledge that historically, some pieces written by the ‘Prince’ Editorial Board contributed to alienating and harming marginalized members of the Princeton community. We represent a new generation of Princetonian editors who are committed to elevating voices on campus that have not historically been heard. Do no harm will be our formative principle. In striving to reflect the shift in how the ‘Prince’ approaches its role as a community newspaper, we are committed to using that voice to bring issues that affect the marginalized members of our community to the forefront.

As a Board we cannot speak to the struggles of every identity, and there are going to be topics that fall outside of our daily lives, which is why we ask for you to engage with us and to feel comfortable sending us issues you feel significantly impact members of the campus and town community. Please find our contact information below or reach out on our Contact Us page. 


146th Editorial Board


Rooya Rahin


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Won-Jae Chang

Genrietta Churbanova 

Omar Jason Farah

Kristal H. Grant

Caitlin Limestahl

Rohit Narayanan

Tanvi Nibhanupudi

Isabel Rodrigues

To contact the Editorial Board, email the Board at To submit a Guest Column or Letter to the Editor, reach out to