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Jessica Wang

plants in pots that have various faces drawn on them

An ode to my dorm plants

“To some people, plants are just plants — to me, they’re like companions. If they can live here, so can I; if they can stick it out through a gloomy twiggy East Coast winter, so can I.”

“To some people, plants are just plants: to me, they’re like companions. If they can live here, so can I; if they can stick it out through a gloomy twiggy East Coast winter, so can I.”

A white mug filled with orange liquid and a teabag.

The tale of a tea rookie

Staff writer for the Prospect Jessica Wang details her personal account of embracing caffeine at Princeton, having considered it "a forbidden fruit" for most of her adolescence.

Staff writer for the Prospect Jessica Wang details her personal account of embracing caffeine at Princeton, having considered it "a forbidden fruit" for most of her adolescence.

A circular gold pin with a mockingjay in the middle.

A complex villain story, turned to film: a review of ‘The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes’

"As far as movie adaptations go, “The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes,” with Suzanne Collins as its executive producer, is astonishingly faithful to the book."

"As far as movie adaptations go, “The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes,” with Suzanne Collins as its executive producer, is astonishingly faithful to the book."


DISPATCH | Retracing my steps in the desert

“Every day, there was the same endless blue sky, clear and unforgiving, with the occasional raven soaring past alone. At night, it transformed into an expansive darkness freckled with the most beautiful clear stars.”

“Every day, there was the same endless blue sky, clear and unforgiving, with the occasional raven soaring past alone. At night, it transformed into an expansive darkness freckled with the most beautiful clear stars.”

common room collage.png

Find your study space: A review of all seven residential college common rooms

Contributing Prospect writer, Jessica Wang, ranks and reviews all seven residential college common rooms. Read more to discover what she calls the “Goldilocks” of common rooms. 

Contributing Prospect writer, Jessica Wang, ranks and reviews all seven residential college common rooms. Read more to discover what she calls the “Goldilocks” of common rooms. 

Garden Theater, Princeton, New Jersey

'More plot in its pinky finger than a DC movie': Black Panther 2 film review

Marvel’s latest Black Panther movie gives us “everything we could possibly want,“ Contributing Writer Jessica Wang writes in her review of sequel “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.”

Marvel’s latest Black Panther movie gives us “everything we could possibly want,“ Contributing Writer Jessica Wang writes in her review of sequel “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.”

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