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Sports Profiles And Interviews

James Chu Race Pic.jpg

Once a Tiger: James Chu '00

In the first ‘Once a Tiger’ profile of 2021, Features Staff Writer Ben Angarone interviews James Chu ’00, a former Princeton cross-country runner who, to this day, lives and breathes running. 

In the first ‘Once a Tiger’ profile of 2021, Features Staff Writer Ben Angarone interviews James Chu ’00, a former Princeton cross-country runner who, to this day, lives and breathes running. 

FEATURES | 01/28/2021


Princeton in the Pros: Danielle Dockx ’18

Danielle Dockx ’18 knew she wanted to go into medicine and that she wanted to work in the sports industry. However, she was told that she could only put her two passions together if she put medicine first and sports second. This wasn’t an option for Dockx. Instead, she put her passion for sports first, making it her number-one priority, and landed a job with the Tampa Bay Rays.

SPORTS | 11/19/2020


Tiger Time-Out: James Hartley ’23

James Hartley ’23, an outside hitter for the men’s volleyball team looking to major in CEE, took a leave of absence after his first year at Princeton, a decision he was initially unsure of. Now, Hartley has come to realize how great of a decision it was, as he has found new jobs, activities, and opportunities to keep him busy.

SPORTS | 11/12/2020