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The Daily Princetonian

Letters to the Editor

Online registration a matter of effectiveness, not trustI would like to express my agreement with Seth Wikas' April 4 column in the 'Prince' with regard to the need for an online registration system at Princeton.

OPINION | 04/09/2000

The Daily Princetonian

Letters to the Editor

Kyoto Protocol won't solve world problemI am writing in response to the April 5 'Prince' article titled, "Campus group urges compliance with environmental protocol." The validity and concerns from global warming are rarely issues of controversy nowadays.

OPINION | 04/06/2000

The Daily Princetonian

Small Body Part, Big Deal

So the Supreme Court ruled last week that local governments have the right to enforce stricter laws on the attire worn by nude dancers, but only if they can prove that strip clubs have harmful "secondary effects" on a community, such as increasing crime or lowering property values.Let me rephrase that in plainer English: The Supreme Court ruled last week that under certain debatable circumstances, local governments can make nude dancers wear g-strings and pasties instead of just g-strings.It's good to know that our tax dollars are finally making a profound impact on the country.Let's face it, pornography is an institution that's not about to go flaccid anytime soon.

OPINION | 04/05/2000

The Daily Princetonian

Obsession with Elian sparks renewed anti-Castro sentiment

Elian! Elian! Elian! Why is everyone fixated over the Elian Gonzalez story? We all know why hardened anti-Castro activists are obsessed with the boy's custody battle ? Elian Gonzalez could not have come at a better time for them.Despite their success in securing passage of the Helms-Burton Bill in the mid-1990s, anti-Castro forces were beginning to lose their influence over American foreign policy.

OPINION | 04/05/2000

The Daily Princetonian

Visions of Princeton

The low turnout for the Visions of Princeton survey is a disappointment, not only for the USG, but for everyone who expected USG president PJ Kim '01 to unveil his administration's goals following the survey.

OPINION | 03/29/2000

The Daily Princetonian

Letters to the Editor

Gay marriage an issue of moral grounds, not rightsIn his March 27 editorial, Jeff Wolf '02 sought to defend homosexual marriages as perfectly legitimate and thus deserving of the same legal status as heterosexual unions.

OPINION | 03/29/2000