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The Daily Princetonian


Anyone who runs a student group knows about the 501(c)(3) section of the federal tax code. This section, which makes nonprofit groups tax exempt, shelters many student groups, and, in fact, the University itself.But in return for tax-exempt status, the law puts restrictions on such groups and institutions.

OPINION | 10/24/2000

The Daily Princetonian

Think again

With violence in the Middle East, American troops facing terrorist attack abroad and the strong possibility that the next president of the United States will be a man whose single greatest feat of foreign policy was trading away Sammy Sosa, now is hardly the time to fret about purely intellectual concerns.Princeton, however, has seen fit to offer me a modest stipend provided that I agree to fret about purely intellectual concerns.

OPINION | 10/18/2000

The Daily Princetonian

Candidates' Middle East stances diminish hopes for resolution

The unusual coincidence of a Mideast crisis ? violence between Israelis and Palestinians and the alleged suicide bombing against the USS Cole ? with the presidential campaign means that the Middle East is, for once, dramatically shaping Americans' lives, rather than the reverse.While President Clinton, Yasser Arafat and Ehud Barak crafted a life-saving cease-fire Tuesday, Al Gore and George W.

OPINION | 10/18/2000

The Daily Princetonian

Letters to the Editor

University responsible for proposed Millstone Bypass siteI read with interest the article in last Thursday's 'Prince' about the upcoming Millstone Bypass environmental assessment.

OPINION | 10/18/2000

The Daily Princetonian

Baseball's low-payroll teams can compete, despite what they say

For anyone with a serious interest in baseball, business and economics, last week's playoff series between the New York Yankees and the Oakland Athletics symbolized the now-fashionable argument that denies Oakland's ability to compete.In 2000, the Yankees spent $110 million on a roster that won 87 games and earned their sixth-consecutive postseason appearance.

OPINION | 10/12/2000

The Daily Princetonian

Letters to the Editor

George responds to Wilentz, clarifies 'Prince' conversationsIn his letter in Tuesday's 'Prince,' Professor Sean Wilentz suggests that I lied ("told a false story") to The Wall Street Journal.

OPINION | 10/11/2000