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Guest Contributions


To break the cycle of violence in Israel and Palestine, end the occupation

“Ultimately, a world where all Israelis and Palestinians can live and prosper with peace and dignity is possible, and getting there requires us all to engage deeply with both the history of the region and the people inhabiting it, as well as its current reality.”

“Ultimately, a world where all Israelis and Palestinians can live and prosper with peace and dignity is possible, and getting there requires us all to engage deeply with both the history of the region and the people inhabiting it, as well as its current reality.”

OPINION | 06/17/2021

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Princeton community statement condemning the Israelis and supporting the Palestinians is shamefully inaccurate

“All that these 87 academics have demonstrated is their lack of scholarly integrity, their willingness to disseminate polemical falsehoods, and their ideological dedication to their “cause,” which ignores that Hamas is a terrorist organization that has not only rained down terror and death on the more than nine million Jews and Arabs living in Israel, but has also squandered billions of dollars of aid provided by foreign governments.”

“All that these 87 academics have demonstrated is their lack of scholarly integrity, their willingness to disseminate polemical falsehoods, and their ideological dedication to their “cause,” which ignores that Hamas is a terrorist organization that has not only rained down terror and death on the more than nine million Jews and Arabs living in Israel, but has also squandered billions of dollars of aid provided by foreign governments.”

OPINION | 05/29/2021

Israel flag

Princeton community stands with Israel

“By denying Israel the ability to keep its citizens safe, one holds Israel to a standard to which no other country in the world is held. We refuse to trivialize or dismiss terrorism or antisemitism, and we will continue to support Israel’s right to national security.”

“By denying Israel the ability to keep its citizens safe, one holds Israel to a standard to which no other country in the world is held. We refuse to trivialize or dismiss terrorism or antisemitism, and we will continue to support Israel’s right to national security.”

OPINION | 05/29/2021

Israel School Damage

Hamas rockets are rockets, not ‘stale talking points’

“No doubt, there’s been far too much dehumanization of Palestinians. Let us raise our voices against that. But I ask the signatories of the community statement: why must you substitute dehumanization of Palestinians with dehumanization of Israelis? Why can’t you bring yourself to condemn rocket attacks on Israelis? Why won’t you repudiate Hamas?”

“No doubt, there’s been far too much dehumanization of Palestinians. Let us raise our voices against that. But I ask the signatories of the “community statement”: why must you substitute dehumanization of Palestinians with dehumanization of Israelis? Why can’t you bring yourself to condemn rocket attacks on Israelis? Why won’t you repudiate Hamas?”

OPINION | 05/27/2021

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Still waiting for our big mental break, we shouldn't support Princeton's mental breakdown

“This year, CPS shouldn't have been offered through ‘the chat’ as the last and only resort a struggling student can book for their pity party. ‘Struggling student’ is redundant. CPS should have been an assumed and easy addition to every conversation and curriculum. CPS should have had a face.” 

“This year, CPS shouldn't have been offered through ‘the chat’ as the last and only resort a struggling student can book for their pity party. ‘Struggling student’ is redundant. CPS should have been an assumed and easy addition to every conversation and curriculum. CPS should have had a face.”  

OPINION | 05/25/2021


Following Human Rights Watch report concluding apartheid, Princeton must divest from Israel

“Students must once again mobilize in support of University divestment from companies contributing to and benefiting from Israel’s apartheid rule over the Palestinian people, as outlined by the Human Rights Watch report.”

“Students must once again mobilize in support of University divestment from companies contributing to and benefiting from Israel’s apartheid rule over the Palestinian people, as outlined by the Human Rights Watch report.”

OPINION | 05/20/2021

Grey and brick building with reflective window at dusk. Large abstract grey and orange sculpture in front.

Princeton's fossil fuel holdings are not just an abstract concept

“While the full extent of Princeton’s fossil-fuel holdings is unclear, we are dismayed that, in the face of ever-worsening climate change, Princeton appears to hold a majority stake in an oil and gas company. If other schools’ disclosures are any indication, Petrotiger is likely just the tip of the iceberg.”

“While the full extent of Princeton’s fossil-fuel holdings is unclear, we are dismayed that, in the face of ever-worsening climate change, Princeton appears to hold a majority stake in an oil and gas company. If other schools’ disclosures are any indication, Petrotiger is likely just the tip of the iceberg.”

OPINION | 05/19/2021

Princeton Commencement 2021

‘A keener sense of sympathy’: The 2021 valedictory speech

In his valedictory speech — published here in full — Taishi Nakase ’21 discusses the challenges of a fractured community, the unexpected joy of time at home, and the importance of sympathy.

In his valedictory speech — published here in full — Taishi Nakase ’21 discusses the challenges of a fractured community, the unexpected joy of time at home, and the importance of sympathy. 

OPINION | 05/19/2021

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Sen. Jeff Merkley GS ’82: Time for Princeton to divest from fossil fuels

“Princeton University is in the business of creating the future. Through both its educational and research missions, the scholars and students of this incredible institution help us reimagine the possible and redefine the practical. To support that future-building mission, it is time we stop enabling a fossil fuel industry that is strangling our shared potential.”

“Princeton University is in the business of creating the future. Through both its educational and research missions, the scholars and students of this incredible institution help us reimagine the possible and redefine the practical. To support that future-building mission, it is time we stop enabling a fossil fuel industry that is strangling our shared potential.”

OPINION | 05/18/2021

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Princeton University community statement of solidarity with the Palestinian people

“We stand in solidarity with Palestinians and their Jewish Israeli allies, understanding that their struggle is fundamentally entwined with many other movements for equality, justice, and liberation both within the United States and around the world. We join together in rededicating ourselves to working against all forms of racism, colonialism, and injustice at Princeton, in the classroom, on campus, and beyond.”

“We stand in solidarity with Palestinians and their Jewish Israeli allies, understanding that their struggle is fundamentally entwined with many other movements for equality, justice, and liberation both within the United States and around the world. We join together in rededicating ourselves to working against all forms of racism, colonialism, and injustice at Princeton, in the classroom, on campus, and beyond.”

OPINION | 05/18/2021


[PLT]: Why we should abolish the res college listservs

“After navigating the listservs for the past four years, I have concluded that the current email system is so excessively inefficient that we ought to start over and redesign our listserv system entirely.”

“After navigating the listservs for the past four years, I have concluded that the current email system is so excessively inefficient that we ought to start over and redesign our listserv system entirely.”

OPINION | 05/06/2021


The Resources Committee recommended conditional divestment from fossil fuels. It’s not enough.

“The recommendations announced on Monday are the least Princeton can do. We call on Princeton to dispense with the committees and finally take action against this blatantly destructive industry.”

“The recommendations announced on Monday are the least Princeton can do. We call on Princeton to dispense with the committees and finally take action against this blatantly destructive industry.”

OPINION | 05/06/2021

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What the new Center for gender and sexuality erases

“This merger erases the history of student activism and labor that produced the two distinct centers and makes it seem as if social difference and adversity have been solved. A single center for gender and sexuality, rather than additional centers bearing distinct names and sources of funding, falsely signals the issues we spent so much our Princeton careers raising have been adequately addressed.”

“This merger erases the history of student activism and labor that produced the two distinct centers and makes it seem as if social difference and adversity have been solved. A single center for Gender and Sexuality, rather than additional centers bearing distinct names and sources of funding, falsely signals the issues we spent so much our Princeton careers raising have been adequately addressed.”

OPINION | 05/02/2021

A photo of a gothic building in springtime on an overcast day. The building has a dozen windows, and trees with pink flowers surround the building. 

RCAs: Princeton must take further action for student wellbeing

“While we are pleased by the recently-announced postponement of Dean’s Date, we believe the University must enact more substantial and enduring policy to alleviate long-term issues related to student stress and mental health.”

“While we are pleased by the recently-announced postponement of Dean’s Date, we believe the University must enact more substantial and enduring policy to alleviate long-term issues related to student stress and mental health.”

OPINION | 05/02/2021

Title IX protest posters

Princeton must reform campus climate for the safety of students

“Students have time and again reported feeling ignored and unprotected by the University’s Title IX office, or having experienced other forms of silencing. This culture makes learning and working on campus unsafe for all, in particular for survivors, and it must end.”

“Students have time and again reported feeling ignored and unprotected by the University’s Title IX office, or having experienced other forms of silencing. This culture makes learning and working on campus unsafe for all, in particular for survivors, and it must end.”

OPINION | 04/27/2021

 Burr Hall, where the Anthropology Department is located.  

Princeton owes the families of the MOVE bombing victims answers

“It is simply not enough to assert, as has a University spokesperson, that nothing ‘improper is currently taking place at Princeton.’ The victims of the MOVE bombing, their families, and those of us at Princeton invested in Black history and communities deserve more.”

“It is simply not enough to assert, as has a University spokesperson, that nothing ‘improper is currently taking place at Princeton.’ The victims of the MOVE bombing, their families, and those of us at Princeton invested in Black history and communities deserve more.”

OPINION | 04/26/2021

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Stop nominating the class president for the 1903 Prize

“I think for once, we should recognize our everyday heroes for what they do, especially in a year where we have seen the power of people coming together in the face of adversity: the people who mentor us, commit to service, treat others compassionately, or lead by example virtuously. When I think of who fulfills these qualities, I don’t immediately think of the student government officers.”

“I think for once, we should recognize our everyday heroes for what they do, especially in a year where we have seen the power of people coming together in the face of adversity: the people who mentor us, commit to service, treat others compassionately, or lead by example virtuously. When I think of who fulfills these qualities, I don’t immediately think of the student government officers.”

OPINION | 04/22/2021

McGraw Tutoring in Frist

Princeton, give us a break

“I am calling for the University to cancel classes — in order to give students time to recover from what is among the most difficult semesters in our Princeton careers — and to impose a University-wide extension for academic assignments for this semester. We can already see the signs of extreme fatigue due to the unrealistic expectations of this term. The University must do something about it.”

“I am calling for the University to cancel classes — in order to give students time to recover from what is among the most difficult semesters in our Princeton careers — and to impose a University-wide extension for academic assignments for this semester. We can already see the signs of extreme fatigue due to the unrealistic expectations of this term. The University must do something about it.”

OPINION | 04/22/2021

Nassau Hall

Why the full, careful review of divestment proposal matters

“I know that some in the University community are eager for the consideration of this proposal to move more quickly or to conclude by a symbolic date, such as Earth Day. However, this process is designed to ensure divestment and disassociation proposals receive a full, careful review, with input from stakeholders across the University community. This careful consideration is what defines the process and what any divestment/dissociation discussion deserves. “

“I know that some in the University community are eager for the consideration of this proposal to move more quickly or to conclude by a symbolic date, such as Earth Day. However, this process is designed to ensure divestment and disassociation proposals receive a full, careful review, with input from stakeholders across the University community. This careful consideration is what defines the process and what any divestment/dissociation discussion deserves.”

OPINION | 04/22/2021