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Senior Thesis Spotlight w/ Hannah Faughnan ’23 and Imani Mulrain ’23

Season 2, Episode 6

Thesis Pic.jpeg
Courtesy of Josh Babu

In this episode of Brains, Black Holes, and Beyond, Senna Aldoubosh and Simone Kirkevold sit down with Hannah Faughnan ’23, a senior in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology department, and Imani Mulrain ’23 , a senior in the Chemistry department, to learn more about their senior theses. Faughnan and Mulrain cover what got them interested in their topics, their results, and important advice for future seniors undertaking their thesis. This episode is a collaboration between the Podcast and News sections of the Daily Princetonian.

This episode of Brains, Black Holes, and Beyond (B cubed) was produced under the 147th board of the Prince in partnership with the Insights newsletter.



Written and Hosted by Senna Aldoubosh and Simone Kirkevold 

Sound Engineered by Eden Teshome


Transcript by Senna Aldoubosh

Produced by Senna Aldoubosh

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