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Clubs call off Lawnparties after Tuesday's attacks

In the wake of Tuesday's terrorist attacks, all 11 eating clubs have postponed Sunday's Lawnparties. Club presidents reasoned that the annual event to celebrate the start of the school year would be disrespectful to members of the University community who are mourning the loss of friends and family.

In a statement signed by officers from each club, the Inter-Club Council announced its decision and encouraged students to attend the University's memorial service Sunday at 3 p.m. on Cannon Green.


"We encourage our members to fully utilize the club as a supportive family unit and join them in offering heartfelt condolences to all those who have been touched by this tragedy," the statement read.

Though some club presidents agreed to cancel activities shortly after Wednesday night's ICC meeting, others said they made the decision after the University canceled Saturday's football game and scheduled the memorial service.

"Before I heard about the memorial service, I felt that the right decision was to go ahead with Lawnparties," Terrace Club president Clay Whitehead '02 said. "I thought that a social gathering was not incompatible with what had just happened if it was handled correctly and with the proper respect."

Terrace had considered a non-alcoholic event, in which a band would play and the club would collect donations, Whitehead said.

Clubs typically spend thousands of dollars on Lawnparties, and past celebrations have featured such high-profile and high-budget acts as Run-DMC and Eve 6. Most of the bands have respected the clubs' decisions, officers said.

"The reaction of the band has been completely understanding," University Cottage Club president Graves Tompkins '02 said. "And the reaction of members has been entirely supportive."


Soon after the news reports of Tuesday's events, club presidents e-mailed each other about whether to cancel Lawnparties. They continued to discuss the idea at the ICC meeting and with their members. Each club then decided individually to postpone the celebration.

So far, only Charter Club has announced that it has rescheduled its band, Virginia Coalition, who will perform Sept. 30. Other club officers said they did not know when their bands would play or if all the clubs would be able to hold Lawnparties on the same day.

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