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All we are saying is give war a chance

There is a certain segment of the population on any contemporary college campus that is never satisfied unless it is dissatisfied. So addicted is this small minority to the rush one receives from righteous indignation that, after centuries of moral progress in what is by now a relatively just society, their lives are reduced to a desperate search for sufficiently eye-catching evils to combat. Sweatshops one year, the low wages of University workers the next — while collegiate activism addicts often find themselves fighting real and continuing injustices, their brief battles are mere momentary fads, reduced to being the political equivalent of bellbottoms or boy bands.

In the middle of the 2001 fall fashion season, however — a season which was supposed to bring with it both shorter hemlines and renewed opposition to the IMF — Americans witnessed evil in its purest and most dramatic form. Here, finally, was a genuine need for immediate action. Habitual activists thus joined their fellow students in giving blood and helping to organize aid for the victims of the tragedy, and I applaud them for their good work.


Horrified at for once being part of a moral majority, however, this coterie soon found that the relief effort was insufficient to satisfy its old addiction. A real jolt of righteous indignation, it seems, comes only from a stance directly opposed to that of the American mainstream, or, as they like to call it, the capitalist hegemony. The movementarians needed to find a new, less popular movement for themselves, and sure enough one was to be found with relative ease — a late '60s classic that never goes out of style, one by the name of "peace."

Generally speaking, I too am in favor of peace. (For the record, I'm generally well to the left of Joe Lieberman.) Not only would I take a state of peace over a state of war any day, I am also opposed to such military tactics as the invasion of randomly selected developing nations or the wholesale slaughter of their innocent civilians. Except for those with a religiously grounded commitment to absolute pacifism, however, we can all agree that there are times when certain acts of war are both appropriate and just. The vast majority of the American people believe that now is one of those times, and they are right to do so.

Most campus leftists in the so-called peace movement are by no means absolute pacifists, apologists as many of them have been for violence and occasionally even terrorism on the part of oppressed groups. Instead, they draw a distinction, as is only reasonable, between just and unjust wars. Why, then, is theirs a movement for "peace" rather than for a just war against terrorism — a war, say, which targets only those states and organizations directly tied to the recent attack on the United States, and which attempts, insofar as is possible, to avoid civilian casualties?

Some, such as editor Peter Beinart of The New Republic, ascribe the activist left's absolutist peace-mongering to their anti-Americanism. America is so radically evil, leftists such as The Nation's Robert Fisk argue, that any military action it may carry out will inevitably be unjust. Some go so far as to describe America's recent foreign policy (its opposition to genocide in the Balkans, its support of Israel's right to exist and a host of similar outrages) as sufficiently monstrous to render terrorism against American targets entirely understandable, if not entirely justified.

I am loath to ascribe this almost treasonous level of disloyalty to pro-peace activists at Princeton and other American universities. Rather than hatred of country, I think most of these individuals are motivated by a love of opposition for its own sake, an almost pathological need always to be part of the political vanguard. In a still flawed democracy which relies on continual public debate in order to render itself ever more perfect, such a compulsion serves a valuable social role. Even in times of national crisis, the activism addicts must therefore never be silenced. Respecting the constitutional protection of free speech, however, does not preclude pointing out the moral bankruptcy of misguided peace activism. Indeed, it demands nothing less, for it is this very constitutional order that is today threatened by terrorism.

Led astray by their knee-jerk anti-hegemonism, today's campus peaceniks are the equivalent of an ancient Israelite faction mocked by the prophet Jeremiah. As the walls of Jerusalem fell around them, these Old Testament activists shouted "Peace! Peace!" when there was no peace. Those shouting so today should be respected, protected and adamantly opposed. Michael Frazer is a politics graduate student from Riverdale, N.Y. He can be reached at