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Letters to the Editor

Alumnus finds students' lack of civility at basketball games disheartening

A lot has changed at Princeton since I played and was a fan during basketball games when fans on both sides kept quiet for foul shooters. Now part of the American psyche is "anything goes." (It's nice, however, to attend or watch a golf tournament where quiet respect remains as a shot is made.)


I was particularly disappointed during the Columbia game Jan. 13 when a group of undergraduates in the first few rows kept yelling at Columbia head coach Armond Hill '85 — "You suck," "Technical!" and more. I went up to them and asked if they knew Armond was one of Princeton's great players. "Sure, we know," they said. Even that didn't seem to matter to them.

Hill is a wonderful, sensitive person who, unlike our own Pete Carril — who regularly stomped his feet and threw down his program — is more reserved, but as with most basketball coaches, vents his anger from time to time.

It is likely that nothing can be done about this continued lack of sportsmanship that is pervasive in our society — unless the University wants to get creative and take some leadership to discourage such lack of respect for players on the court. What a wonderful contribution to the world of sport it would be. Herb Hobler '44