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A restaurant fit for a 'King'

Princetonians are the luckiest diners in the world. Let other cities have their four-star restaurants and haut cuisine. We have a true jewel in our midst — the best burger joint this side of paradise: Burger King on Nassau Street.

As you walk in the elegant glass doors, the delicately greasy odor of those much-loved burgers rises to greet you. An avenue of formica tables forms a majestic approach to the counter, where culinary pleasures galore await.


The vibrantly colored illuminated photos of food make you salivate with anticipation as you eagerly await your turn to order. But when at last you arrive at the front of the line, the real dilemma is confronted — what to eat?

For the carnivores, there are the lusciously juicy burgers, glamorously presented in perfectly wrapped wax paper packages. The crisp golden french fries are a perfect accompaniment. Their color resembles a glowing Hawaiian sunrise, and each fry leaves a sophisticated layer of oil on the fingers of the lucky diner.

The chicken nuggets are another delectable option. The snow white meat of each symmetrical nugget is nestled in a pale crispy shell, reminiscent of the famed "nugget de poulet" that Louis XIV is said to have eaten at Versailles.

For dessert, the frosty milkshakes are a scrumptious option. They are served in towering paper cups of stylish design, and their all-natural flavor complements the fresh-off-the-farm quality of the other menu options. I am particularly partial to the strawberry, which glows an appealing radioactive pink.

Employees are uniformly courteous and helpful. Greeting each customer with a friendly smile, they are always willing to tailor a meal to your express desire.

Of course, the crowning element of any Burger King meal is just that — the crown. What other eatery has the brilliant foresight to offer a wearable artwork to each and every customer. With its instantly recognizable design and eye-catching colors, the Burger King crown carries the cachet of a Burberry scarf or a Kate Spade bag.


Fabulous fashion sense, exquisitely designed interiors and, most importantly, heavenly edible delicacies — what more could one want from a dining experience?

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