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Letters to the Editor

'Prince' lacks integrity in inappropriate handling of alleged sexual assault

As much as it is the responsibility of University publications to inform students of daily occurrences on campus, we feel that in certain cases the 'Prince' goes inappropriately beyond the call of duty. A perfect example of this appeared on the front page of the Nov. 17 edition.


We feel the handling of the alleged sexual assault in which Kamal Aqui '03 was arrested was not done with the best journalistic integrity. While it may be necessary to alert students to any situations that could compromise the safety of the campus, there are some instances when it seems that the goal of the 'Prince' is not to warn students of a danger but to increase reader interest by publishing sensationalized stories. The facts that the author of the article presented were few and decidedly slanted against Aqui.

We understand the 'Prince' may not have had many facts beyond those that were presented, but it seems that it would be a primary goal to present what was known in a completely impartial manner. The portrayal of Aqui has completely tarnished his reputation on campus. Alison Franklin '03 Samantha Gingold '03 Marisa Zuskar '03