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Hoagie heaven

A few entrepreneurial students smelled profit in the wafting salt-pepper-oregano scents of Hoagie Haven. They envisioned a delivery service to bring the best hoagies east of the Mississippi to the University's dorm rooms. But when they consulted the student agency office, they were promptly rejected agency status under the pretense that the hoagie deliverers would be in direct competition with other student agencies – a forbidden tension in Princeton's "market system."

Upon further reflection, however, the hoagie hawkers decided student agency status was not necessary – they could keep more of their profits as independent operators. Unfortunately, advertising on campus without student agency status is prohibited by Rights, Rules and Responsibilities. No commercial businesses may advertise at the University unless it is protected under the umbrella of the student agencies office. The hoagie peddlers are neither an off-campus commercial businesses nor are they a full-fledged student agency, but the University does not make room for those student-run businesses that fall within this gray area. The student managers of the Hoagie Haven Delivery Agency should be afforded basic privileges like posting on-campus flyers – without fear of a Dean's Warning.


Out of respect for the capitalist spirit displayed by the members of the hoagie delivery agency, the University should not restrict the agency's efforts to bring students the hoagies they crave. There is no harm in healthy competition between the student food agency and the hoagie agency. The office of student agencies should relinquish its monopoly on campus business – especially when that business delivers our beloved hoagies to our rooms.

The University is correct in its prohibition of commercial business advertising on campus – the last thing we want to see are archways and lamposts plastered with the posters of corporate America. The Hoagie Haven Delivery Agency, however, is different entity; it is a business wholly run by students. Dean of Student Life Janina Montero has the power to recognize this agency. She should do so to afford the Hoagie Haven Delivery Agency the rights it deserves.