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The Daily Princetonian

Spring Concert to showcase Bosstones, God Street Wine

Though the impression many people got was that the Mighty Mighty Bosstones would be the only major band performing at this year's Spring Concert, the USG announced yesterday that, in addition to the Bosstones, God Street Wine, another band from the Mercury Records Label, has also been booked to play the event.USG social chair Jeff Leven '00, who is in charge of booking the bands, said he was excited about the upcoming concert.

NEWS | 03/25/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Professors remain hesitant to deflate

When a faculty committee issued a report in February detailing rampant grade inflation, the findings received national attention and had more than a few undergraduates fearing that the time when As and Bs flowed like wine was about to end.Nearly two months and dozens of departmental meetings later, it is looking increasingly unlikely that an across-the-boards rollback in grades will be happening any time soon.Although some professors seized upon the report as an opportunity to toughen standards, there are others who have expressed reluctance to take strong action to combat the trend."People say, 'Why should we punish our students?' or 'Why should we be the first to move?' " Wilson School Dean Michael Rothschild said, explaining why departments are generally not advocating immediate action.Rothschild said the school has held several meetings in recent weeks involving both faculty and students, but the conversations have not resulted in any kind of consensus as to what, if anything, should be done.He added that the school did send a letter to Dean of the College Nancy Malkiel explaining that it would be extremely difficult for the Wilson School to adjust grading standards this year, or even next year.To deflate or not to deflate?The Classics Department has reached a decision to take action about grade inflation, said chair Josiah Ober.

NEWS | 03/24/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Grad Student Suit

Former graduate student Jim Connell is suing the University for 60 counts ranging from personal injury to criminal negligence, citing several years of ignored complaints regarding his residential housing and laboratory conditions while studying neuropsychology, he said yesterday.Among other grievances, Connell accused the University of providing "living quarters which were dangerous, flooded and moldy," causing him to develop a dangerous lung condition called aspergillosis, according to the complaint he filed last year.

NEWS | 03/23/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Neil Rolnick kicks off new media lecture series with talk on music

To most casual listeners, computer-generated music may not measure up to PST.To Neil Rolnick, however, using technology to compose music is just like "using any other kind of instrument."Rolnick, who is chair of the Arts Department at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, spoke to an audience of about 30 yesterday on how he uses computers and other technology to compose music.His speech was the first in the "Series in New Media," a lecture series that will explore areas in which technology and arts interact, said professor of electrical engineering Wayne Wolf, who is sponsoring the talks.Rolnick spoke about several pieces that he composed using either computers or other technology.

NEWS | 03/23/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Webcast discusses financial aid

The University's new financial aid program was the subject of a Webcast discussion among Director of Financial Aid Don Betterton and members of the University community.The online presentation outlined the reasons for the new policy which will provide to students from lowerand middle-income families, and explained how financial aid packages will be composed with hypothetical case studies.During the discussion, which was broadcast March 11, participants posed questions about the University's financial aid policies that were answered online by Betterton.

NEWS | 03/22/1998

The Daily Princetonian

WCBS's premature ode to nudity

It's a Princeton tradition, first snowfall of the year. Sophomores run nude 'round Holder Courtyard without fear. Of cold, or frostbite, or even expulsion Reaction from the college: utter revulsion But they say they can't fight it, so don't even try Sending security and medics to watch naked runners fly. But this year El Niño was spoiling their fun. Keeping snow from falling and delaying the run. Before today students thought they'd not get their chance. To go springing and dancing without any pants. But looks like the kiddies won't be disappointed. And in a sophomoric traditon, they'll all be anointed. So if you're disgusted by watching such a display, keep clear of Princeton.

NEWS | 03/22/1998

The Daily Princetonian

Students spend break volunteering, build affordable housing for poor

While hundreds of college students spent Spring Break tanning in the Florida sun, 23 SVC volunteers worked to ensure that those less fortunate have adequate shelter.The SVC organized trips to Savannah, GA, and Equador to build and refurbish houses in need of repair for low-income residents."It gives us a chance to feel that what we're doing is important," said Ecuador trip co-leader Brian White '00.

NEWS | 03/22/1998