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The Daily Princetonian

Surfing alone, University opens its ears to Napster's electronic tunes

While hundreds of colleges and universities across the country have decided to ban student use of Napster ? a music search engine that has received national media attention in recent months ? Princeton has taken a more liberal approach in dealing with the issue.According to a list published on the Website of the Students Against University Censorship ? a group that says it will "fight and lobby against the universities' decisions on banning Internet resources" ? 196 schools have blocked Napster from their networks.The University, however, has decided not to restrict use of the service.

NEWS | 03/19/2000

The Daily Princetonian

Bradley and McCain bid farewell, leaving Gore and Bush to vie for nation's support

Facing the harsh reality of an unbroken string of primary defeats and a mounting delegate deficit, Bill Bradley '65 threw in the towel yesterday in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination and declared his support for Vice President Al Gore in his bid for the presidency.Speaking to supporters and the press in West Orange, N.J., yesterday, Bradley called for Democrats to unify behind Gore.

NEWS | 03/09/2000

The Daily Princetonian

Students rally against inequality

Spurred by the recent acquittal of four New York policemen responsible for the death of Amadou Diallo, students assembled in Firestone Plaza yesterday afternoon and addressed issues of inequality and prejudice on campus.Attracting a crowd that ranged from 25 to 50 during a several-hour period, speakers at the rally called for renewed efforts to help members of the University community transcend racial boundaries and to advocate equitable treatment of minority groups.Participants said they were frustrated with the apathetic approach their classmates and the administration take toward racial inequality at the University.

NEWS | 03/09/2000

The Daily Princetonian

Harris '95: In the service of all nations

Though Rashaan Harris '95 was exposed to a wide range of scholastic knowledge ? from textbooks to professors ? during his four years at Princeton, he still sought other answers he knew he would have to pursue on his own.But he never thought he would find them in South America.Harris served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Uruguay from 1995 to 1997.

NEWS | 03/08/2000

The Daily Princetonian

AAS at a crossroads

Yale University's decision last month to upgrade its African-American studies program to a department will not put pressure on Princeton to take similar action, according to Provost Jeremiah Ostriker.But Nell Painter, chair of Princeton's AAS program, said she continues to favor the creation of such a department, and noted that she is "exasperated" and "exhausted" as a result of her efforts to convince the University to make the switch.Ostriker said he had formed a committee consisting of several professors ? including Toni Morrison and Painter ? to recruit specialists in African-American studies prior to Yale's decision. 'Build it up'"We looked at this a while ago," he said of the prospect of upgrading Princeton's AAS program.

NEWS | 03/08/2000

The Daily Princetonian

Rooted in history, and leaving a legacy

The historic Mercer Oak in Princeton Battlefield Park succumbed to strong winds Friday ? collapsing more than 200 years after the Revolutionary War general for whom it was named.Though it has lived more than 250 years, the tree survived only a few days after the death of Richard Baker, who dedicated nearly 25 years of his life to preserving the mighty white oak and other landmarks at the Princeton battlefield."He was a great historian.

NEWS | 03/08/2000

The Daily Princetonian

U-Council debates problems of potential student body increase

At yesterday's U-Council meeting, administrators ? led by Provost Jeremiah Ostriker ? addressed a variety of issues raised by the Wythes committee's recommendation to increase the size of the student body by 500.The primary concern raised by U-Council members was that the student increase would limit professors' ability to give students individual attention.

NEWS | 03/08/2000

The Daily Princetonian

Bradley '65 likely to end candidacy today

Bill Bradley '65's campaign announced yesterday that the candidate will hold a press conference this morning to "discuss the future of his presidential campaign," prompting experts to conclude that the candidate is set to declare his withdrawal from the race.Bradley's dismal finish in Super Tuesday's primaries ? after defeats in Iowa, New Hampshire and Washington ? virtually guaranteed the candidate's imminent withdrawal.

NEWS | 03/08/2000

The Daily Princetonian

Seeking Green Party presidential nomination, Nader '55 returns to old stomping ground with harsh words for corporate America

Presidential hopeful Ralph Nader '55, who is seeking the Green Party nomination, condemned the growth of corporate influence in America yesterday, addressing a near-capacity crowd in McCosh 50.In a brief pre-speech question and answer session, Nader said the dominance of corporate power in America could potentially motivate voters to support a third party, as slavery did for the Republican party in the 19th century."The issue is corporate power.

NEWS | 03/07/2000

The Daily Princetonian

Field hockey team scores points off the field

Decked out in work clothes and gloves, with sweatshirts to combat the early morning chill, University women's field hockey players have on the past two Saturdays assumed their positions on a barren lot in Trenton with a somewhat different-than-usual goal in mind: to help build a house.The ongoing project to construct four townhouses from scratch is sponsored by the Trenton-area chapter of Habitat for Humanity, a nonprofit organization that provides low-income families with affordable, new housing.For the field hockey team, now in its off-season, the day-long community construction effort served not only as a chance to build homes for hardworking, needy families, but also as a time to build team spirit and strengthen team dynamics, according to team co-captain Bridget Marchesi '01.Jill Venema '01, Habitat for Humanity coordinator for the Student Volunteers Council, explained that group community projects do not always fall easily into place.

NEWS | 03/07/2000

The Daily Princetonian

Eyeing the grad school as site for a sixth college

If the University approves the Wythes committee's proposal to create a sixth residential college, future undergraduates may be calling the current location of the Graduate College home.The Graduate College is one of several possibilities the University has named as feasible locations for a sixth residential college to accommodate the Wythes committee's proposed 10-percent increase in the size of the undergraduate student body.Other possible locations for the sixth residential college include the "shallow ellipse" near Scully Hall, the space south of Dillon Gym and the area north of Forbes College, according to Amy Floresta, project manager at KieranTimberlake Associates, the architecture firm charged with planning for the new residential college.According to University physical planning director Jon Hlafter '61, the Graduate College is "a ready-made [residential] college," and would be relatively easy and efficient to convert into undergraduate housing.President Shapiro called the option of converting the facility into a residential college "a wild possibility," but also said the administration will "look at all possibilities, including the grad college."Vice President for Finance and Administration Richard Spies '72 agreed that University officials were considering the Graduate College as a potential site for the residential college."The fact that it is already built in the form of a residential college makes it very appealing," he said.

NEWS | 03/07/2000