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USG outlines goals and priorities for upcoming year, approves two task forces

Caitlin Limestahl / The Daily Princetonian

 At the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) meeting this Sunday, the Senate created a list of priorities for the upcoming year. The priorities centered around mental health, academics, student life, and USG and University resources.

Specific priorities included supporting Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS) and student mental health, publicizing the work of USG throughout the year to ensure student awareness, and working towards the creation of mixed concentrations.


A mixed concentration would allow students to combine two departments to receive one degree. USG president Christian Potter ’22 expressed in his campaign platform that creating mixed concentrations would be one of his goals as president.

Also in the meeting, Rayyan Sarker ’22 proposed the reinstatement of the Menstrual Products Task Force, with the main goal of providing “free menstrual products in accessible campus restrooms.” After a campaign from the group in the spring of 2019, free menstrual products became available in 56 bathrooms in seven different buildings.

Because Sarker is not a member of the Senate, a member must take the role of task force chair in order for the task force to function.

Class of 2024 Senators Mariam Latif ’24 and Sean Bradley ’24 proposed the Class of 2024 Task Force, which is designed to provide additional support to members of their class given the virtual nature of their first year.    

“The Class of 2024 has faced incredibly unique challenges as they began their Princeton career,” Latif and Bradley wrote in their statement to the Senate. “They’ve had an unprecedented first semester that resulted in the loss of many essential Princeton experiences, and many freshmen continue to struggle because of it.”

The task force proposal outlined  several potential deliverables, including hosting first-year-specific open forums, and planning orientation events for the Class of 2024 leading up to the fall.


During the meeting, U-Council Chair Allen Liu ’22 also recapped the events of the most recent Council of the Princeton University Community (CPUC) meeting, during which administrators answered questions about a range of topics including vaccination, dining, racial equity efforts.

This USG meeting was held on Sunday, Feb. 14 at 8:30 p.m. ET via Zoom.

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