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University student arrested after suspicion of firearm possession

A University student was detained by Princeton Borough Police Saturday and charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and a noise violation after a search of his room, said Borough Police Capt. Anthony Federico. The student, Octavio Carrasco '04, was released later that day.

University Public Safety officers responded to a noise complaint near Carrasco's room in 1937 Hall at 3:22 p.m. Saturday. Proctors found loud stereo music playing and a message written on a piece of paper outside the room that made an obscene reference to the police, ending with, "I'm inside with my 44 mag," according to Capt. Federico.


Public Safety officials said the message led them to believe Carrasco was in his room and in possession of a firearm. Public Safety summoned Borough Police, who responded with armed officers who secured the area around Wilson College and 1937 Hall.

Carrasco said yesterday that the note outside his door was written by friends of his and is actually part of a rap music lyric.

According to Carrasco, he was listening to loud music in his room saturday afternoon, but was unaware of any police or public safety activity.

When he left his room and 1937 Hall, Carrasco said he was stopped "by 10 cops with bullet proof vests and shotguns. They grabbed me and ripped off my backpack, searched it and my pockets."

Carrasco said he was then taken back inside where officers searched his room for weapons.

The search revealed no weapons, only a glass pipe with what police officials say was marijuana residue inside, said Capt. Federico.


Carrasco said he felt the police action was too severe and that the search of his room was inappropriate.

"I don't have any guns. I'm not a violent person," said Carrasco, adding, "the police overreacted."

Police said they responded with officers carrying shotguns and wearing body armor because of the nature of the reported threat, said Capt. Federico.

"We take students with firearms seriously," he said.

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After police arrived, students were asked to stay in their rooms except for a few students who live near Carrasco's room, who were asked to vacate the area, said several witnesses.

Other students trying to return to their rooms said they saw public safety officers and were not allowed near the adjacent buildings.

"There were about a half a dozen officers who surrounded the Wilson courtyard," said Chris Rizzi '05, who lives in 1937 Hall. "They weren't letting anyone in."

Officials said the charges against Carrasco are "minor," and he was released pending a court appearance.

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