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Cindy Drakeman '02 to head ICC

At last night's Inter-Club Council meeting, former Tower Club and ICC president Dan Winn '01 traded the reigns of the ICC with new Tower president Cindy Drakeman '02. Terrace president Clay Whitehead '02 was named ICC vice president.

"She is a very intelligent and competent leader and interested in the 'Street' at heart," Winn said of Drakeman.


Drakeman — a member of the a capella group the Tigressions — will preside over ICC meetings, act as a conduit to the University and help set the agenda of the eating clubs for the next year, Winn said.

Winn would not reveal specifics about the procedure by which the ICC chooses its president.

The ICC is composed of all the eating club presidents and an adviser — Alice Teti '00. The ICC has only two officers.